- Autor
- Verity, Frank T.
- Sparrow, W. S.
- TitelFlats, urban houses and cottage homes
- VerlagsortLondon
- VerlagHodder & Stoughton
- Erscheinungsjahr1906
- Beschreibung160 S.
- BeschreibungIll.

Introductory Notes on the Designing of Flats de Luxe or Mansion Flats
9 A Flat Dweller's Point of view
15 Flats British and Foreign
84 Urban House and Cottage Homes
105 How to Furnish A FlatBy one of Waring´s Experts
Flats and Mansions, Cleveland row, St. James'sLondon ; <[Archtitect : Frank T. Verity]>
Interior of a flat in Bida-Presth, with Furniture of Polished Mahogany Inlaid with Holly<[Architect: C.R.Ashbee]>
Shrewsbury CourtChelsea ; London ; <[Architect: C.R. Ashbee]>
Block of flats, Earl's Court SquareLondon ; <[Architect: R.A. Briggs]>
21 Block of Mansion flats at the Bottom of St. James'sLondon ; <[Architect: R.Norman Shaw]>
25 The Albert Hall MansionsLondon ; <[Architekt: R. Norman Shaw]>
26 Maisonette Flats<[Architect: R. Norman Shaw]>
27 Gloucester HousePiccadilly ; London ; <[Architect: T.E.Collcutt and Staney Hamp]>
28 Gloucester HaousePiccadilly ; London ; <[Architect: T. E. Collcutt and Stanley Hamp]>
29 Hyde Park PlaceLondon ; <[Architect: Frank T. Verty]>
30 Hyde Park PlaceLondon ; <[Architekt: Frank T. Verity]>
31 View of the Drawing-Room in MRS.Gabtiel's FlatLondon ; Architect: Frank T. Verity]>
32 Mansion FlatsInterior Design ; <[Architect: Frank T. Verity]>
33 Hanover HouseSt. John's Wood ; London ; <[Architect: E.P. Warren]>
34 The Mansion, Sloane GardensLondon ; <[Architect: Edwin T. Hall]>
35 Marlborough ChambersJermayn Street ; London ; <[Archtitect: Reginald Morphew]>
36 Marlborough ChambersJermyn Street ; Lonton ; <[Architect: Reginald Morphew]>
37 Bachelor's Flats with Shops on the Ground FloorLondon ; <[Architect: Reginald Morphew]>
37 View of the Entrance wirh oak StaircaseLondon ; <[Architect: Reginald Morphew]>
38 The Chimney Corner in A Sitting-RoomLondon ; <[Architect: Reginald Morphew]>
38 A new BuildingNo. 59, Mall ; London ; <[Architect: E. Guy Dawber]>
39 St. George's TerraceGloucester Road ; London ; <[Architect: Paul Hoffmann]>
40 Block of FlatsSt. George's Terrace ; London ; <[Architect: Paul Hoffmann]>
Luxborough HouseNorthumberland Street and Paddingron Street ; London ; <[Architect: Beresford Pite]>
41 First Floor Plan and Plan of the Ground FloorsLondon ; <[Architect: Beresford Pite]>
42 Nos 18. 19, and 20, Foley StreetLondon ; <[Archtitect: Beresford Pite]>
43 Hornton CourtKensinton ; London ; <[Architect: F.S. Chesterton and J.D. Coleridge]>
44 Hornton CourtKennington ; London ; <[Architect: F.S. Chesterton and J.D. Coleridge]>
45 No. 36,St. James's Street, and No. 64, Jermyn StreetLondon ; <[Architect: William Woodward]>
46 Alexandra CourtLondon ; <[Architect: Paul Hoffmann]>
47 the Drawing-Room as seen from the Ding-Roo in MRS. Machell-Smith´s -flattLondon
48 York Gate and Buckingham St. From a Drawing By. W. Alister Maconald in the Collection of MRS Machell
The Dinng-Room in MES. Machell-Smith's FlatLondon
49 The Drawing-Room in MRS. Machell-Smith's FlatLondon
50 Sandringham CourtMaida Vale ; London ; <[Architect: Boehmer and Gippe]>
51 Sandringham CourtMaida Vale ; London ; <[Architect: Boehmer and Gibbs]>
52 Campden House ChambersCampden Hill ; Kensington ; London ; <[Architekct: Balfour and Tuner]>
53 Audley HouseMargaret Street ; London ; <[J.W.Simpson and Maxwell Ayrton]>
54 Audley HouseMargaret Street ; London ; <[Architect: J.W. Simpson and Maxwell Ayrton]>
55 View of a Bedroom at No. 6Eaton Mansions ; London ; <[Architekct: Herbert Read and Mac Donald]>
56 Shops and Flats at the Corner of North Adley Streetand Oxford StreetLondon ; <[Architect: Read and Mac Donald]>
No.Eaton Mansions Eaton SquareLondon ; <[Architect: Herbert Read and Robert F. Mac Donald]>
57 View of a Main Entrance HallEntrance Hall in a Flat ; North Gate ; Regent's Park ; London ; y<[Architect: F.M. Elgood]>
58 Nordt GatRegent's Park ; London ; <[Architect: Frank M. Elgood]>
59 FlatsMore's Gartens ; Cheyne Walk ; Chelsea ; London ; <[Architect: William Dunn and Robert Watson]>
60 View of a Small Dining-Romm in a London FlatSuggested Scheme for the Decoration of a Small Sitting-Room in a Flat <[Architect:W.A.S. Benson]>
61 Harly HouseRegents Park ; London ; <[Architect: Edward Boehmer and the late P.C. Gibbs]>
62 Harley HouseRegents Park ; London ; <[Architect: Boehmer and Gibbs]>
63 Flats in Bentinck StreetLondon ; <[Architect: William Woodward]>
64 No. 14. Hanover Square wirh Frontages to Harewood Place<[Architect: Paul Hoffman]>
64 No. 14. Hanover SquareLondon ; <[Architect: Paul Hoffmann]>
Coleherne CourtOld Brompton Road ; London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave]>
65 Queen's CourtHagley Road ; <[Architect: F. Gilbert Smith]>
66 Shops and Residential Flats in Sauchiehall StreetGlasgow ; <[Architect: T.L. Watson]>
67 View of a Hall in a Glasgow Flat in Sauchiehall Street<[Architect: T.L. Watson]>
68 Shops and Flats Erected for the Glasgow Corporation to Improve Hope Street<[Architect: John Keppie, Honeymann, Keppie and Mackintosh]>
69 Flats Erected for the Glasgow Corporation to Improce Hope Street<[Architect: John Keppie, Honeymann, Keppie, and Mackintosh]>
70 View of A Simple Drawing-Room in A SmallLondon
71 Suggestion for the Treatment of Corridors of Vestibules in Flats<[Architect: W.A.S. Beson]>
72 This Ollustration Suggests A Means by Which the Sitting-Room in A Flat may be Connected with the Hall<[Architect: W.A.S. Benson]>
73 Suggestion fpr the Treatment of Drawing-Rooms in Flats<[Architect: W.A.S. Benson]>
74 Suggestionfor the Treatment of Library in A Flat<[Architect: W.A.S. Benson]>
75 Suggestion for the Treatment of the Library in A Flat<[Architect: W.A.S. Beson]>
76 Reproduced from an Original Design<[Architect: M.H. Baillie Scott]>
The Drawing-Room in Major Raymond SmythiesAddison Court Gardens ; London
77 Hanover SquareLondon ; [Architect: Paul Hoffmann
78 A Block of Flats de Luxe<[Architect: Horace Gilbert and S. Constanduros]>
79 A Block of Flats de Luxe now Being Built in Cavendish Square on the Site of old Harcourt House<[Architect: Horace Gilbert and S. Constanduros)>
80 Paris Flats, Boulevard St. Michel, No. 87. See the Criticism on Page 86<[Architect: M.J. Nerrot]>
87 Paris Flats, Rue Decamps, No.10. See Page 90<[Architect: M. Poupinel]>
89 PlanParis Flats ; Avenue Ledru-Rollin, Nr.68. See the Criticism on Page 90 ; <[Architect: M. Montalto]>
91 Mansion FlatsParis ; <[Architect: H.P. Nenot]>
92 Paris FlatsRéaumur No. 128 at the Corner of the Rue Montmartre Nr. 109 ; <[Architect: M. Gautrin]>
92 Boulevard Malesherbes Nr. 162Paris Flat
93 Avenue Victor Hugo Nr. 167Paris Flat
93 Avenue D'antin Nr. 39
94 Mansion Flats in Vienna<[Architect: König]>
94 Rue Sédillot No. 5<[Architect: Fagot]>
96 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré Nr. 152<[Architecht: L. Carrier]>
96 Rue Caumartin No. 68Paris Flats : <[Architect: Emile Garot]>
96 Chaussée de la Muette No. 11<[Architect: M. Thion]>
97 Rue Caulaincourt No. 43Paris Falts ; <[M.P. Rigaud]>
98 Rue de Sévres No. 4Paris Falts ; <[Architect: A.Lafon]>
99 Rue Danton and the Boulevard Saint-Germain<[Architect: M.Blavette]>
100 Rue de Vaugirard at the Corner of the Rue Régnier See the Description on PP. 98,99<[Architect: M. Delangle]>
101 No. 74. Rue du RanelaghParis ; <[Architect: Alfred Michel]>
101 Sketch for A Portion of the Dining-RoomPalazzo Rezzonico ; <[Architeckt; Frank Brangwyn]>
Sketch for a Portion of the Dining-Room<[Architect: Frank Brangwyn]>
These House are in Doulton´s Carrara Terra Cotta with the Maximum of Variety in its Tints<[Architect: Arnold Mitschel]>
Estcourt HouseEnsington Palace Garten ; London ; <[Architect: E.P. Warren]>
121 Kensinton Palace Gardens<[Architect: E-P- Warren]>
122 The Front to Cowley SteetLondon ; <[Architect: Harace Field]>
123 Two Urban House 14 and 15London ; <[Architect: Horace Field]>
124 The Garden Front 46London ; <[E. Guy Dawber]>
125 View of the Hall 46London ; E. Guy Dawber]>
126 The Dining-Room in a Small London House
127 The Drawing-Room in a Small London House
128 The Halland Staircase 78London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave[>
129 The Smoking-Room 78London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave]>
130 The Hall 78<[Architect: Walter Cave]>
130 The Drawing-Room 16London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave]>
131 The Drawing-Room 16London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave]>
132 View of the Hall 16London ; <[Architect: Walter Cave]>
133 Vestibule and Entrace HallGlasgow ; <[Architect; A.N.Paterson]>
133 The Drawing-RoomKingsburgh Garten ; London ; <[Architect: A.N. Paterson]>
134 View of the Parlour<[Architect: Walter H. Brierley]>
135 Bishopsbarns York<[Architect: Walter H.Brierley]>
136 Scheme for the Decoration of a Dressmaker´s Showroom<[Architect: Florence H. Laverock]>
East gate HotelOxford ; <[Architect: E.P. Warren]>
137 HookerelWoking ; Surrey ; <[Architect: Harace Field]>
138 Teh Entrance Front<[Architect: Horace Field]>
138 HookerelWoking ; Surrey ; <[Architect: Horace Field]>
139 HookerelWoking ; Surrey ; <[Architect: Horace Field]>
140 MillmeadBramley ; Surrey ; <[Architect: Edwin L.Lutyens]>
The Arcitects own Residence<[Architect: E.P. Warren]>
141 Breach HouseCholsey ; Berkshire ; <[Architect: E.P.Warren]>
141 This Yorkshire Home is Built Partly of Local Stone and Parkly of red Tiles from the District<[Architect: Gerald C. Horsley]>
142 Materials:Brick Walls and Roughcast a Slate Roof to Match the Existing one, Lead Glazing and Iron Casements<[Archtiect: Gerald C. Horsly]>
143 BallinduneHaslemere ; <[Architect: E.J.May]>
144 Heathcote<[Architect: Edwin L. Lutyens]>
Heathcote<[Architect: Edwin L. Lutyens]>
Plans of a House in Surrey<[Architect: Ernest Newton]>
145 See the Illustration Below<[Architect: Ernest Newton]>
145 A House in SurryThe Garden Front ; <[Architect: Ernest Newton]>
145 Cottages in Gloucestershire<[Architect: Ernest Newton]>
146 Spring BankWestcott ; Near Dorking ; <[Architect: Dunbar Smith and C.C. Brewer]>
147 WaysideWestcott ; <[Architect: Dunbar Smith and C.C. Brewer]>
148 Interior of a Small Country House in Hertfordshire<[Architect: C.R.Ashbee]>
Perspective Drawing of a House now Being Built in Yorkshire<[Architect: Walter H. Bierley]>
150 View of the Dinng-RoomBeacon Wood ; <[Architect: Cossins, Peacock and Bewlay]>
151 Cottage at the School of Lady Gedeners<[Architect: Geoffry Lucas]>
152 Living-Room in a Cottage<[Architect: G.L. Sutcliffe]>
The Dover<[Architect: G.L. Sutcliffe]>
153 Dutch Garden<[Architect: G.L. Sutcliffe]>
153 House Built for the Ascot and Sunningdale Estate<[Architect: Basil Champneys]>
154 Netherton<[Architect: W. Curtis Green]>
155 The Living-Room<[Architect: Barry Paker and Raymond Unwin]>
156 View in a House at Caterham<[Architect: Barry Paker and Raymond Unwin]>
The Living-RoomInnisdoon ; Mansfield ; Nottinghamshire ; <[Architect: Barry Paker and raymond Unwin]>
157 A Cottage in Surry<[Architect: W.Curtis Green]>
158 FairoakWokingham ; Berkshire ; <[Architect: Horace Farquharson]>
159 LinholmeNear Dorking ; <[Architect: Horace Farquharson]>
159 A Small House Designed in Accordance with the old Yorkshire Traditions<[Architect: Harold E. Henderson]>