- Herausgeber
- TitelBook of Abstracts ERASMUS+ BIP ESS-HPT 2024
- The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology, 7.7. – 20.7.2024, Graz University of Technology
- Datei
- DOI10.3217/978-3-99161-005-2
- LicenceCC BY-NC
- ISBN978-3-99161-005-2

- Abstract"The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology (ESS-HPT)" is the continuation of many years of high pressure intensive courses. The history of this very successful series of courses started in 1995, when the first intensive course took place in Monselice, Italy. Most of these Intensive Courses were supported by SOCRATES and later Life Long Learning. This year this summer school is supported by ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programms (BIP), where students and professors get a financial support form their home universities. All students have to give an oral presentation and the abstracts of these presentations, which are peer-reviewed by the EFCE WP members, are published in this book of abstracts.