- Autor
- Mrachacz-Kersting, Natalie
- Collinger, Jennifer
- Mattia, Donatella
- Valeriani, Davide
- Vansteensel, Mariska
- Müller-Putz, Gernot
- Titel10th International BCI Meeting 2023 Abstract Book; Balancing Innovation and Translation; June 6 - 9, 2023, Sonian Forest, Brussels, Belgium
- Datei
- DOI10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9
- LicenceCC BY
- ISBN978-3-85125-962-9

FrontmatterMrachacz-Kersting, Natalie; Collinger, Jennifer; Mattia, Donatella; Valeriani, Davide; Vansteensel, Mariska; Müller-Putz, Gernot; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-0
Real-Time Mobile Robot Obstacles Detection and Avoidance Through EEG SignalsOmer, Karameldeen; Ferracuti, Francesco; Freddi, Alessandro; Iarlori, Sabrina; Monteriù, Andrea; Camillo, Porcaro; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-1
EEG Biomarkers of Working Memory, Attention, and FatigueBlanco, Angel David; Chugani, Karan; Soria-Frisch, Aureli; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-2
An EEG Source Imaging BCI for Movement Decoding in Youth with Brain LesionsLeung, Jason; Akter, Masuma; Chau, Tom; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-3
Recruiting Neural Field Theory for Motor Imagery Data AugmentationPolyakov, Daniel; Shriki, Oren; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-5
Individuals with neurodegenerative disease discuss values about the speed-accuracy trade-off in communication BCIsFried-Oken, M.; Kinsella, M.; Stevens, I.; Klein, E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-6
Deep learning-based diagnosis of tinnitus using EEG signalsMin, Byoung-Kyong; Hong, Eul-Seok; Kim, Hyun-Seok; Hong, Sung Kwang; Pantazis, Dimitrios; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-7
Does Gender Matter in Motor Imagery BCIs?Alimardani, Maryam; von Groll, Valentina Gamboa; Leeuwis, Nikki; Rimbert, Sébastien; Roc, Aline ; Pillette, Léa; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-8
EEG Channel Selection Based on Feature Importance for Epileptic Seizure ClassificationØverby, Marie; Moctezuma, Luis Alfredo; Molinas, Marta; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-9
How do Ethical Concerns differ in Active and Passive Brain-Computer Interfaces?Rönnback, Ronja; Blom, Fenna; Alimardani, Maryam; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-10
Source Analysis of Directed Brain Connectivity During Opposite Neurofeedback TasksSusnoschi-Luca, Ioana; Vučković, Aleksandra; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-11
Virtual Physical Model-based Brain Switch via Periodic SSVEP Modulation for Asynchronous Brain-Computer InterfacingLi, Songwei; Meng, Jianjun; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-12
Evaluating implant locations for a minimally invasive speech BCIVerwoert, Maxime; Ottenhoff, Maarten C.; Amigó-Vega, Joaquín; Goulis, Sophocles; Wagner, Louis; Kubben, Pieter L.; Herff, Christian; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-13
Subdural ECoG Recordings of High-frequency Activity from a Wireless Implantable BMI DeviceYan, Tianfang; Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Kameda, Seiji; Mihara, Masashi; Maeda, Makoto; Hirata, Masayuki; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-15
The theta-to-alpha ratio represents a convenient task independent measure of brain workloadCardis, Romain; Lugrin, Claire; Mensi, Skander; Leeb, Robert; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-16
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Machine LearningLu, Rose; Neverlien, Embla C. S.; Kumar, Mohit; Molinas, Marta; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-17
Using Autoencoders to Denoise Cross-Session Non-Stationarity in EEG-Based Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer InterfacesShriki, O.; Almagor, O.; Avin, O.; Rosipal, R.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-18
Investigating the proper time to perform the motor imagery task in a multimodal BCIVenot, T.; Desbois, A.; Corsi, M. C.; Hugueville, L.; Saint-Bauzel, L.; de Vico Fallani, F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-19
What is the exact relationship between beta band activity and hand motor imagery?Papadopoulos, Sotirios; Szul, M. J.; Congedo, M.; Bonaiuto, J. J.; Mattout, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-20
Longitudinal Intervention of VR-based BCI Training: A Case Study of Chronic Stroke PatientsVourvopoulos, A.; Blanco-Mora, D.; Aldridge, A.; Jorge, C.; Fernandes, J-C.; Figueiredo, P.; Bermúdez i Badia, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-21
Brain-computer interface for treatment of focal dystoniaEhrlich, Stefan K.; Tougas, Garret; Simonyan, Kristina; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-22
High-gamma band event detection improves stability of finger trajectories decoded from ECoG-LMP activityCalvo Merino, E.; Faes, A.; Van Hulle, M.M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-23
Empirical evaluation on multiple BCI datasets of the functional connectivity ensemble (FUCONE) methodCorsi, M.-C.; Chevallier, S.; De Vico Fallani, F.; Yger, F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-24
Towards user-centric BCI design: Markov chain-based user assessment for mental imagery EEG-BCIsIvanov, Nicolas; Chau, Tom; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-26
Identification of Tic Onset Biomarker from Chronic Recordings in Centromedian Thalamus and Globus Pallidus Interna for Closed Loop Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette SyndromeGómez, Julieth; Gunduz, Aysegul; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-27
Identifying sEEG Contacts with Auditory Perception and Speech Production Information: A Pilot StudySoroush, P. Z.; Herff, C.; Shih, J.; Schultz, T.; Krusienski, D. J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-28
A Functional Ultrasound Brain-Machine Interface: Real-Time Decoding of Direction and Task StateGriggs, W.S.; Norman, S.L.; Deffieux, T.; Segura, F.; Osmanski, B.-F.; Chau, G.; Christopoulos,V.; Liu, C.; Tanter, M.; Shapiro, M.G.; Andersen, R.A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-29
Biological relevance of visual stimuli modulates the temporal binding window between ICMS and visionRosenthal, I. A.; Bashford, L.; Bjånes, D.; Pejsa, K.; Lee, B.; Liu, C.; Andersen, R. A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-30
Inter-Stimulus Latency Jitter in RSVP Keyboard: Effects on Attentional Event-Related PotentialsKlee, D.; Memmott, T.; Oken, B.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-31
Should robotic limb control mimic the human body? Effect of control strategies on bionic hand skill learningSchone, Hunter R.; Udeozor, Malcolm; Moninghoff, Mae; Rispoli, Beth; Vandersea, James; Lock, Blair; Hargrove, Levi; Edwards, Grace; Japee, Shruti; Makin, Tamar R; Baker, Chris I.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-32
A non-invasive EEG-based Brain-Machine Interface for the control of myoelectric prosthesesPiozin, C.; Bouarroudj, L.; Audran, J.Y.; Lavrard, B.; Simon, C.; Waszak, F.; Eskiizmirliler, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-33
Mechanisms and Impacts of Brain-Computer Interface Fatigue in ChildrenKeough, Joanna R.G.; Irvine, Brian; Wrightson, James; Marquez, Daniel Comaduran; Kirton, Adam; Kinney-Lang, Eli ; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-35
Predicting User Goals Based on Simulated Brain-Computer Interface Inputs and Robot Sensor DataKokorin, K.; Mu, J.; John, S. E.; Grayden, D. B.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-36
A feasibility study on the development of a movement related cortical potential based brain-computer interface for communication in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosisBarioudi, Hatim; Felderhoff, Thomas; Jaramillo-Gonzalez, Andres; Mrachacz-Kersting, Natalie ; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-37
Auditory High Entropy Response (A-HER): a new paradigm with high amplitude for Potential auditory-BCI applicationHuang, Gan; Liang, Xiaoqi; Hu, Zhenxing; Zhu, Qianyun; Zhang, Li; Liang, Zhen; Li, Linling; Zhang, Zhiguo; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-38
A large-scale study on the general public to assess and model the acceptability of BCIs dedicated to motor rehabilitation after strokeGrevet, E.; Forge, K.; Tadiello, S.; Izac, M.; Amadieu, F.; Brunel, L.; Pillette, L.; Py, J.; Gasq, D.; Jeunet, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-39
Improving User Experience and Performance through Gamification of MI-BCI TrainingAtilla, Fred; Alimardani, Maryam; Postma, Marie; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-40
The detection of Windows of Consciousness in locked-in patientsSettgast, T.; Zilio, F.; Kübler, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-41
Classifier-based latency estimation for covert attention ERP decodingVan Den Kerchove, Arne; Si-Mohammed, Hakim; Van Hulle, Marc M.; Cabestaing, Francois ; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-42
A shared-control framework for BCI control of various effectors: towards home-used BCIsStruber, L.; Karakas, S.; Bellicha, A.; Devigne, L.; Pasteau, F.; Martel, F.; Juillard, V.; Castillejo, A.; Chabardes, S.; Aksenova, T.; Charvet, G.; Babel, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-43
Randomized pilot study: BCI with FES motor priming to enhance the effect of physical therapyVuckovic, Aleksandra; Kumari, Radha; Dybus, Aleksandra; Purcell, Mariel; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-44
Validation of an Automated EEG Artifact Removal Tool for Eye Movement and Muscle ArtifactsComaduran Marquez, D.; Irvine, B.; Kirton, A.; Kinney-Lang, E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-45
Combining EEG and switch input in RSVP KeyboardPeters, B.; Celik, B.; Galvin-McLaughlin, D.; Imbiriba, T.; Kinsella, M.; Klee, D.; Lawhead, M.; Liu, S.; Memmott, T.; Smedemark-Margulies, N.; Erdogmus, D.; Oken, B.; Fried-Oken, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-46
The effect of artificially created sensory feedback on motor cortex activity during task performanceVerbaarschot, C.; Monscheuer, A.; Dekleva, B.; Collinger, J.L.; Gaunt, R.A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-47
Pediatric Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Participant Predictors and Experiences: Learnings from Year 1 of a Registry ProjectHammond, L.; Tuck, C.; Andersen, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-48
Characterizing Neural Representation and Sleep Architecture in Early Motor Sequence Learning Using a Chronic Neural Interface in Patients with Parkinson’s DiseasePresbrey, K.; Bernabei, J.; Kondapavulur, S.; Louie, K.; Giff, A.; Starr, P.; Wang, D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-49
Fingermapping in Sensorimotor Cortex with ECoGKiremitci, Ibrahim; Piantoni, G.; Schellekens, W.; Petridou, N.; Ramsey, N.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-51
PIEEG: Performance Evaluation of a Motor Imagery Based BCI On a Low-cost, Raspberry Pi 4Idowu, Oluwagbenga P.; Kinney-Lang, E.; Gulamhusein, A.; Irvine, B.; Kirton, A.; Abou-Zeid, Hatem; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-52
Decoding primary color responses in EEG signals with deep learning in the source spaceFløtaker, Simen; Soler, Andres; Molinas, Marta; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-53
Inner Speech Decoding from EEG and MEGCsaky, Richard; van Es, Mats W.J.; Parker Jones, Oiwi; Woolrich, Mark; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-54
Exploring wearable High Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD DOT) as a real-time BCISharma, Akshat; Iida, Fumiya; Bale, Gemma; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-55
Distinct patterns of whole-body representation in human motor cortex and posterior parietal cortexKadlec, K.; Aflalo, T.; Gamez, J.; Guan, C.; Rosario, E.; Pouratian, N.; Andersen, R. A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-56
Decoding speech and internal speech on the single unit level from the supramarginal gyrus in a tetraplegic humanWandelt, S. K.; Bjånes, D. A.; Pejsa, K.; Lee, B.; Liu, C.; Andersen, R. A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-57
Continuous speech synthesis and articulatory kinematics decoding from intracortical neural activityWairagkar, M.; Hochberg, L. R.; Brandman, D. M.; Stavisky, S. D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-58
Early safety data for retrieval of a stent-based endovascular neural recording arrayTarigoppula, Venkata S Aditya; Rind, Gil S.; Ronayne, Stephen M.; Stent, Andrew; Eiber, Calvin D.; Oxley, Thomas J.;
Opie, Nicholas L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-61
Ultra-high-density electrocorticography recordings of the human sensorimotor cortexGeukes, S. H.; Branco, M. P.; Piantoni, G.; Aarnoutse, E. J.; Ramsey, N. F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-62
Exploring Recognition Methods for Asynchronous(un-cued) SSVEP-based BCI Speller SystemKim, H.; Won, K.; Ahn, M.; Jun, S. C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-63
Recording the Tactile P300 with the cEEGrid – Good, but not yet PerfectEidel, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Ziebell, P.; Kübler, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-64
Riemannian vs. Linear P300 classification for a tactile Brain-Computer-Interface in an end-user single-case studyPfeiffer, M.; Eidel, M.; Tröger, W.; Giesler, T.; Kübler, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-65
Effects of robotic-assistance in ERP modulation for upper-limb exoskeleton controlGarro, F.; Fenoglio, E.; Forsiuk, I.; De Michieli, L.; Buccelli, S.; Chiappalone, M.; Semprini, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-67
Tackling Motor Imagery Based BCI Illiteracy through a Novel Augmented Reality ParadigmFenoglio, E.; Garro, F.; Bucchieri, A.; Forsiuk, I.; Barresi, G.; Buccelli, S.; De Michieli, L.; Semprini, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-68
Decoding articulatory trajectories during speech production from intracranial EEGAmigo-Vega, Joaquin; Verwoert, Maxime; Ottenhoff, Maarten C.; Kubben, Pieter L.; Herff, Christian; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-69
Brain-computer interface training fosters perceptual learningLiu, Deland; Iwane, Fumiaki; Zhang, Minsu; Millan, Jose del R.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-71
A Case Study in BCI Skill Learning: Preliminary Results from a Longitudinal BCI-Power Mobility StudyFloreani, Erica D.; Rowley, Danette; Kim, Vella; Kinney-Lang, Eli; Kirton, Adam; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-72
EEG-based Decoding of Auditory Attention using a Deep Attention Network: Revealing neural commonalities of selective attention across individualsIvucic, Gabriel; Pahuja, Saurav; Cai, Siqi; Li, Haizhou; Schultz, Tanja; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-73
Scanning electron microscopy data of 980 intracortical microelectrodes, implanted in three humans for recording and stimulation of cortical networksBjånes, D. A.; Rieth, L.; Kellis, S.; Nickl, R.; Baker, B.; Aflalo, T.; Bashford, L.; Chivukula, S.; Fifer, M. S.; Osborn, L. E.; Christie, B.; Wester, B. A.; Celnik, P. A.; Crone, N. E.; Anderson, W. S.; Pejsa, K.; Pouratian, N.; Lee, B.; Lu, C. Y.; Tenore, F.; Andersen, R. A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-74
A systematic review of invasive brain-computer interfaces in humans: current state-of-theart and features associated with accuracy of an invasive BCI taskRui, Mervyn Lim Jun; Tung, Jack Lo Yu; Lin, Hong-Yi; Yuhang, Wang; Yung, Fong Khi; Tsai, Yeo Tseng; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-75
Shared Brain Activity During the Creative Process and Dance Performance of LiveWireHuber, Derek; Pacheco-Ramírez, Maxine A.; Ramírez-Moreno, Mauricio A.; Brandt, Anthony; Noble, Andy; Noble, Dionne; Contreras-Vidal, Jose L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-76
Riemannian Transfer Learning for Pediatric Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)Irvine, Brian; Keough, Joanna; Kinney-Lang, Eli; Abou-Zeid, Hatem; Kirton, Adam; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-77
Detection of movement preparation-related slow cortical potentials using Riemannian geometry and template matchingRacz, Frigyes Samuel; Kumar, Satyam; Fakhreddine, Rawan; Millán, José del R; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-78
Exploring the Impacts of Longitudinal BCI Training for Power Mobility in Children with Physical DisabilitiesKim, VSH.; Comaduran Marquez, D.; Rowley, D.; Floreani, E.; Keough, J.; Kinney-Lang, E.; Kirton, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-79
Labeling mental fatigue for passive BCI applications: Accuracy vs applicability tradeoffHinss, Marcel F.; Jahanpour, Emilie S.; Brock, Anke M.; Roy, Raphaëlle N.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-80
Lessons learned on Implantable BCIs for Home UseBranco, M.P.; Leinders, S.; Freudenburg, Z. F.; Schippers, A.; Geukes, S. H.; Verberne, M. S. W.; Aarnoutse, E. J.; Ramsey, N.F.; Vansteensel, M. J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-81
Neural network transfer learning with fast calibration for mental imagery decodingGuetschel, Pierre; Papadopoulo, Théodore; Tangermann, Michael; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-82
ROS-Neuro, a common middleware for neural interfaces and robotic applicationsTortora, S.; Beraldo,G.; Menegatti, E.; Tonin, L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-83
Introducing design ideas for an interactive BCI online forum with a mixed-method qualitative and quantitative approachZiebell, P.; Modde, A.; Roland, E.; Eidel, M.; Vansteensel, M. J.; Mrachacz-Kersting, N.; Vaughan, T. M.; Kübler, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-85
Measuring presence in a virtual environment using electroencephalography: A study of breaks in presence using an oddball paradigmSavalle, E.; Pillette, L.; Argelaguet, F.; Lécuyer, A.; Macé, M. J.-M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-86
Interpersonal Physiological Synchrony based BCI: A PerspectiveBrouwer, A.-M.; Stuldreher, I. V.; van Erp, J.B.F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-87
Generalization across participants in continuous hand trajectory decodingSrisrisawang, Nitikorn; Müller-Putz, Gernot; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-89
The influence of pitch modulation on the performance of a BCI-based language training system.Kojima, S.; Musso, M.; Aalberts, C.; Kortenbach, B. E.; Miloševska, S.; de Wit, K.; Kanoh, S.; Tangermann, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-90
Neural correlates of continuous feedback processing during the execution of a 2D driving taskPulferer, Hannah S.; Guan, Cuntai; Müller-Putz, Gernot R.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-91
Speech perception in the sensorimotor cortex: A potential source for false positives during speech-BCI control?Schippers, A.; Freudenburg, Z.V.; Vansteensel, M.J.; Ramsey, N.F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-92
EEG Oscillatory Correlates Of Aesthetic Experience – A ReviewWelter, Marc; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-93
Decoding single and paired phonemes using 7 T functional MRIAraújo Vitória, Maria; Guerreiro Fernandes, Francisco; van den Boom, Max; Ramsey, Nick; Raemaekers, Mathijs; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-94
Distinct brain potential of balance perturbation and error processingJalilpour, Shayan; Müller-Putz, Gernot; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-95
Towards Adaptive Gait Generation for BMI-driven Lower Limb ExoskeletonTrombin, E.; Tortora, S.; Menegatti, E.; Tonin, L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-96
N2pc-based decoding of covert visual spatial attention is independent of stimulus predictabilityReichert, C.; Dürschmid, S.; Tittel, F.; Hinrichs, H.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-97
Cybersickness in Virtual Reality Neurofeedback TrainingsBerger, Lisa M.; Wood, Guilherme; Kober, Silvia E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-98
Pseudo Online FrameworkCarrara, Igor; Papadopoulo, Théodore; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-99
Detecting Focus States in Office Environment with Neurable EEG HeadsetHowell-Munson, Alicia; Piper, Walter T; Guarrera, Theresa; Stanley, David; Valeriani, Davide; Lim, Michelle; Alcaide, Ramses E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-100
TSMNet for BCI: online, unsupervised adaptationKobler, Reinmar J.; Kawanabe, Motoaki; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-101
The whole-cortical ECoG reveals association cortices contribute multimodal intentional decodingKomatsu, M.; Sato, M.; Yoshida, A.; Tsunada, J.; Sasai, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-103
Detecting bluffing in a two-player game with passive brain-computer interfaces: implications for human-machine interactionGherman, Diana E.; Krol, Laurens R.; Zander, Thorsten O.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-106
Design and Evaluation of Vibrotactile Stimulus to Support a KMI-based NeurofeedbackHerrera Altamira, G.; Fleck, S.; Lécuyer, A.; Bougrain, L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-108
Do nature documentaries affect event-related desynchronization (ERD) induced by motor imagery neurofeedback?Decker, J.; Daeglau, M.; Zich, C.; Kranczioch, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-109
Neural tracking of acoustic onsets: Towards understanding the brain beyond the labHaupt, T.; Bleichner, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-110
DUPE MIBCI: Database with User’s Profile and EEG signals for Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interface researchDreyer, Pauline; Roc, Aline; Rimbert, Sebastien; Pillette, Léa; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-111
How different immersive environments affect intracortical brain computer interfacesTortolani, A.F.; Downey, J.E.; Kunigk, N.G.; Collinger, J.L.; Bensmaia, S.J.; Hatsopoulos, N.G.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-112
Decoding hand kinematics from brain-wide distributed neural recordingsOttenhoff, M.C.; Verwoert, M.; Goulis, S.; Colon, A.; Kubben, P.; Shanechi, M.; Sani, O.; Herff, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-113
Online Information-Based Stimulus Optimization for P300-based Brain- Computer InterfacesChen, X. J.; Collins, L. M.; Mainsah, B. O.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-115
Actively Multiplexed μECoG Array Based on Thin-Film Electronics for High-Resolution Brain MappingLondoño-Ramírez, H.; Huang, X.; Cools, Jordi; Chrzanowska, A.; Coulson, P.; Brunner, C.; Ballini, M.; Van Helleputte, N.; Mora Lopez, C.; Genoe, J.; Haesler, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-116
EEG potentials evoked by deep brain stimulation in patients with treatment-resistant depressionPereira, J.; Dold, M.; Sajonz, B.; Tangermann, M.; Coenen, V.A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-117
What brain patterns should we reinforce during BCI training procedures targeting motor imagery abilities?Izac, Margaux; Rossignol, Eléa; Pillette, Léa; Di Rienzo, Franck; Guillaud, Etienne; Guillot, Aymeric; Michelet, Thomas; N’Kaoua, Bernard; Jeunet, Camille; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-118
Development of an EEG-EMG processing pipeline and Graphical User Interface for analysis, recognition, and peak-negativity detection of movement-related cortical potentialsHernández-Gloria, José Jesús; Jaramillo-Gonzalez, Andres; Mrachacz-Kersting, Natalie; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-119
Automated online optimal features selection for an ECoG-based motor Brain-Computer InterfaceAksenova, Tetiana; Moly, Alexandre; Aksenov, Alexandre; Martel, Félix; Charvet, Guillaume; Chabardes, Stephan; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-120
Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Motor Imagery: impact of the embedding sizeMarissens Cueva, V.; Bougrain, L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-121
Towards including covariates in EEG classification - a preliminary study on simulated dataTrocellier, David; N’Kaoua, Bernard; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-122
Electrovascular Phase-Amplitude Coupling During an Auditory TaskMcLinden, J.; Kumar, C.; Rahimi, N.; Shao, M.; Spencer, K.M.; Shahriari, Y.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-123
Calibration methods during EEG signal acquisition and their impact on motor imagery decodingDillen, Arnau; Ghaffari, Fakhreddine; Romain, Olivier; Vanderborght, Bram; De Pauw, Kevin; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-124
What can we learn from user interviews in BCI sessions?Roc, Aline; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-126
Differentiable learning of image encodings for cortical visual neuroprosthetics through bio/phenomenologically-aware phosphene modelingvan der Grinten, Maureen; de Ruyter van Steveninck, Jaap; Lozano, Antonio; Pijnacker, Laura; Rückauer, Bodo; Roelfsema, Pieter; van Gerven, Marcel; van Wezel, Richard; Güçlü, Umut; Güçlütürk, Yağmur; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-127
Pole tracking of EEG signals for BCI applicationsKostoglou, Kyriaki; Putz, Gernot Mueller; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-128
Coordinated arm movements are better represented in motor cortex than isolated movementsDowney, J.E.; Hatsopoulos, N.G.; Miller, L.; Collinger, J.L.; Kaufman, M.; Bensmaia, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-129
Care professionals’ perspectives on BCI needs in children and adolescents with severe cerebral palsyVerberne, M.S.W.; Branco, M.P.; Ketelaar, M.; Geytenbeek, J.; van Driel-Boerrigter, M.; Willems-op het Veld, M.; Rabbie-Baauw, K.; Vansteensel, M.J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-130
EEG indices of responsiveness in Minimally Conscious StateGaliotta, V.; Quattrociocchi, I.; Caracci, V.; Toppi, J.; D’Ippolito, M.; Aricò, P.; Mattia, D.; Cincotti, F.; Formisano, R.; Riccio, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-131
Re-Configuration of Resting State Brain Networks after BCI training in subacute stroke patientsRanieri, A.; Pichiorri, F.; Toppi, J.; Colamarino, E.; Mongiardini, E.; Cincotti, F.; Mattia, D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-132
The role of agency in neurofeedback performanceDussard, C.; Pillette, L.; Hugueville, L.; Jeunet, C.; George, N.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-133
Co-adaptive BCI based on supervised domain adaptation: results in motor imagery simulated dataSpagnolo, Valeria; Galvan, Catalina M.; Nieto, Nicolás; Milone, Diego H.; Spies, Ruben; Peterson, Victoria; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-134
Detecting fluctuation of responsiveness in Minimally Conscious State patientsRiccio, A.; Caracci, V.; Quattrociocchi, I.; Galiotta, V.; Aricò, P.; Di Flumeri, G.; Toppi, J.; D’Ippolito, M.; Formisano, R.; Cincotti, F.; Mattia, D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-135
Identifying the best candidates for a rehabilitative BCI targeting upper limb motor recovery.Pichiorri, F.; Toppi, J.; Colamarino, E.; Mongiardini, E.; Ranieri, A.; Lorusso, M.; Tamburella, F.; Cincotti, F.; Mattia, D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-136
Toward Hybrid BCI: EEG and Pupillometric Signatures of Error Perception in an Immersive Navigation Task in VRWimmer, Michael; Weidinger, Nicole; Veas, Eduardo; Müller-Putz, Gernot R.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-137
A comparison of stimulus sequences for code-modulated visual evoked potential (c-VEP) based BCIThielen, J.; Cornielje, G.; van der Werff, F.; Desain, P.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-139
Cortico-Muscular Coupling to control a hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for upper limb motor rehabilitationde Seta, V.; Pichiorri, F.; Colamarino, E.; Molle, R.; Castellani, F.; Cincotti, F.; Mattia, D.; Toppi, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-140
Assessing the impact of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on the enhancement of race driving skillsSultana, M; Lucian, G; Perdikis, S; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-141
Investigating the Impact of Ecologically Valid Interactions on Rapid Serial Visual Presentation-based Brain-Computer Interface PerformanceAwais, Muhammad Ahsan; Ward, Tomas; Healy, Graham; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-142
UMM: Unsupervised Classification of ERPs with ConfidenceTangermann, M.; Sosulski, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-145
Denoising acoustic-induced vibration artifact in intracranial EEG recordings via a phase-coupling decomposition methodPeterson, Victoria; Vissani, Matteo; Luo, Shiyu; Rabbani, Qinwan; Crone, Nathan E.; Bush, Alan; Richardson, R. Mark; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-146
EMG modulation evoked by classical BCI tasks as a potential control signal for movement augmentationOfner, P.; Lee, MJ.; Farina, D.; Mehring, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-147
Accurate neuroprosthetic control via neural manifold shapingAgudelo-Toro, Andres; Michaels, Jonathan A.; Sheng, Wei-An; Scherberger, Hansjörg; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-148
Improving the performance of non-invasive Brain-Computer interfaces between sessions utilizing Riemannian Procrustes Analysis: Comparison of Deep and Transfer Learning models.Christopoulos, Alexandros; Fehring, Jana; Krc, Jaroslav; Lotte, Fabien; Enriquez-Geppert, Stefanie
; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-149
Increased spatial resolution reveals separated EEG activation of individual finger movementsKapeller, Christoph; Schreiner, Leonhard; Sieghartsleitner, Sebastian; Guger, Christoph; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-150
Single unit recordings reveal high level role of precentral
gyrus in speech productionMeschede-Krasa, B.; Kunz, E.; Willett, F.; Kamdar, F.; Hochberg, L.; Shenoy, K.;
Druckmann, S.; Henderson, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-151
Optimizing feature selection for word decoding with high-density ECoGBerezutskaya, Julia; Müller, Lennart; Ramsey, Nick F.; Vansteensel, Mariska J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-153
Offline Prediction of Prolonged Acute Pain by means of
Convolutional Neural Network Model applied to
Electroencephalographic Oscillatory ConnectivityHan, Y.; Valentini, E.; Halder, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-154
Early stopping strategies for P300 speller
with Bayesian accumulation of Riemannian probabilitiesChevallier, Sylvain; Barthélemy, Quentin; Bertrand-Lalo, Raphaëlle; Clisson, Pierre; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-155
Comparison of BCI headsets for at-home use by children with complex needsKinney-Lang, E.; Comaduran Marquez, D.; Floreani, E.D.; Kirton, A.; Zewdie, E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-156
Advancing artifact handling in BCI research: from filtering to non-neuronal artifactsMemmott, T.; Klee, D.; Celik, B.; Peters, B.; Smedemark-Margulies, N.; Fried-Oken, M.; Oken, B.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-157
Long-term effect on EEG sensorimotor
responsiveness to motor imagery after a BCI training
for stroke rehabilitationMongiardini, E.; Pichiorri, F.; Colamarino, E.; Ranieri, A.; Toppi, J.; Mattia, D.; Cincotti, F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-158
EEG-SimpleConv, an efficient and fast architecture for Motor Imagery EEG classificationBouallegue, Ghaith; El Ouahidi, Yassine; Pasdeloup, Bastien; Farrugia, Nicolas; Gripon, Vincent; Lioi, Giulia; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-160
Assessing the Potential of VASO-fMRI to Determine which Cortical Layer Offers the Best Motor Decodability for ECoG BCIKromm, M.; Raemaekers, M.A.H.L.L.; Ramsey, N.F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-161
Tracking variability in subject state and iBCI performance over timeHockeimer, William; Kunigk, Nicolas; Dekleva, Brian; Chase, Steven; Boninger, Michael; Collinger, Jennifer L; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-162
Using General-Purpose Meta-Learning Algorithms to Train a BCI Classifier on Less DataBerdyshev, D.A.; Grachev, A.M.; Shishkin, S.L.; Kozyrskiy, B.L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-163
An online tool to facilitate the assessment of BCI acceptabilityPillette, L.; Grevet, E.; Dussard, C.; Amadieu, F.; Gasq, D.; Pierrieau, E.; Py, J.; Si-Mohammed, H.; George, N.; Jeunet, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-164
Decoding speech intent from non-frontal cortical areasPrakash, Prashanth R.; Hsieh, Jason K.; Flint, Robert D.; Rosenow, Joshua; Tate, Matthew C.; Slutzky, Marc W.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-165
EEG-based quantitative measures to support the clinical prognosis of disorders of consciousnessQuattrociocchi, I.; Riccio, A.; D’Ippolito, M.; Aloisi, M.; Formisano, R.; Mattia, D.; Toppi, J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-166
Cross-dataset Few-Shot Learning for Motor Imagery BCI classificationEl Ouahidi, Yassine; Farrugia, Nicolas; Pasdeloup, Bastien; Gripon, Vincent; Lioi, Giulia; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-167
A Model-based Dynamic Stopping Method for c-VEP BCIAhmadi, Sara; Desain, Peter; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-168
Detecting Threat Detectiondu Bois, N.; Hudson, L.; Sanchez-Bornot, J.; McShane, N.; Coyle, D.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-169
BRAND: A platform for real-time deep network inference in closed-loop BCIsAli, YH; Bodkin, K; Rigotti-Thompson, M; Patel, K; Bhaduri, B; Nason-Tomaszewski, SR; Mifsud, DM; Hou, X; Nicolas, C; Allcroft, S; Hochberg, LR; Au Yong, N; Stavisky, SD; Miller, LE; Brandman, DM; Pandarinath, C; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-170
Feature selection algorithms to optimize corticomuscular coherence-based BCI for hand motor rehabilitationColamarino, E.; de Seta, V.; Pichiorri, F.; Toppi, J.; Mattia, D.; Cincotti, F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-171
Network features for motor imagery-based brain-computer interfacesGonzalez-Astudillo, J.; De Vico Fallani, F.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-172
Predicting high-quality movements in post-stroke motor rehabilitation from EEGRaggam, P.; Zrenner, C.; McDermott, E.J.; Ziemann, U.; Grosse-Wentrup, M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-173
Using transient, modality-specific neural responses to enhance decodingDekleva, B.M.; Blumenthal, G.H.; Collinger, J.L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-174
Broca’s Area: A Single-Unit Recording PerspectiveKunz, E.; Willett, F.; Levin, A.; Kamdar, F.; Hochberg, L.; Druckmann, S.; Henderson, J.; Shenoy, K. V.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-176
Biomimetic Intracortical Microstimulation Improves Percept Naturalness in HumansHobbs, Taylor; Greenspon, Charles; Boninger, Michael; Collinger, Jennifer L.; Bensmaia, Sliman; Gaunt, Robert; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-177
Enriched sensorimotor feedback modalities may increase upper extremity motor recovery in stroke survivors using brain-computer interface-mediated functional electrical stimulationRemsik, A.; van Kan, P. L. E.; Nair, V. A.; Prabhakaran, V.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-178
Effectiveness of cross-frequency phase-amplitude covariance as additional features for Riemannian BCIsYamamoto, Maria Sayu; Chevallier, Sylvain; Lotte, Fabien; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-179
Let’s Move: Case Studies in Learning Basic Power Mobility Skills Using BCIRowley, D.; Tuck, C.; Roy, M.; Floreani, E.D.; Hammond, L.; Keough, J.; Kinney-Lang, E.; Andersen, J.; Kirton, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-180
Grasp force is encoded in dynamical patterns of activity in the motor cortex of monkeys and humansOkorokova, Elizaveta V.; Sobinov, Anton R.; Downey, John E.; Ma, Xuan; He, Qinpu; Van Driesche, Ashley; Brantly, Nathan W.; Greenspon, Charles M.; Dekleva, Brian; Collinger, Jennifer L.; Miller, Lee E.; Hatsopoulos, Nicholas G.; Bensmaia, Sliman J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-182
Development of an iBCI System for Control of a Soft Robotic GloveGusman, J.; de Lucena, D.; Hosman, T.; Kapitonava, A.; Nicolas, C.; Wagner, D.; Simeral, J.; Vargas-Irwin, C.; Walsh, C.; Hochberg, L.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-183
Automatic Tagging of BCI Artefacts using Computer VisionRedmond, Peter; Awais, Ahsan; Ward, Tomas; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-185
Leveraging deep state-space models for silent speech decodingWilson, G.; Elisha, R.; Benster, T.; Lee, Y.; Shenoy, K.; Henderson, J.; Bao, Z.; Druckmann, S.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-186
At-home, embedded closed-loop deep brain stimulation using data-driven neural physiomarkers alleviates residual motor symptoms in Parkinson’s diseaseCernera, S.; Oehrn, C.R.; Hammer, L.H.; Yao, J.; Shcherbakova, M.; Hahn, A. G.; Wang, S.; Belkoura, C.; Ostrem, J.L.; Smyth, C. N.; Little, S.; Starr, P. A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-187
Decoding attempted movements from human motor cortical activity recorded with a StentrodeChetty, N.; Kacker, K.; Bennet, J.; Yoo, P. E.; Sawyer, A.; Dalrymple, A. N.; Sarma, D.; Despradel, D.; Harel, N.; Lacomis, D.; Majidi, S.; Nogueira, R.; Hill, K.; Collinger, J. L.; Fry, A.; Opie, N. L.; Oxley, T. J.; Putrino, D. F.; Weber, D. J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-188
A Writing Aid for Synchronous Binary Access Methods (Like Some BCIs)Hill, N. Jeremy; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-189
BCI Performance is Influenced by Motor Imagery Strategy and Somatotopic ConstraintsKunigk, Nicolas G; Dekleva, Brian M; Liu, Fang; Chase, Steven M; Boninger, Michael L; Collinger, Jennifer L; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-190
Neurofeedback for increasing sense of presence in Virtual RealityBotrel, L.; Kübler, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-191
The Spatial Resolution of Artificial Touch Via Intracortical Microstimulation and its Neural DeterminantsShelchkova, N. D.; Greenspon, C. M.; Hobbs, T. G.; Verbaarschot, C.; Berger-Wolfe, E. I.; Downey, J. E.; Gaunt, R. A.; Bensmaia, S. J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-193
Decoding Visual Scenes from Visual Cortex Spikes Using Deep LearningMcClanahan, Alexander; Moench, Matthew; Kim, Brian; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-194
Spectral features of EEG signals recorded from a Stentrode in human motor cortexKacker, K.; Chetty, N.; Bennet, J.; Yoo, P. E.; Sawyer, A.; Dalrymple, A. N.; Sarma, D.; Despradel, D.; Harel, N.; Lacomis, D.; Majidi, S.; Nogueira, R.; Hill, K.; Collinger, J. L.; Fry, A.; Opie, N. L.; Oxley, T. J.; Putrino, D. F.; Weber, D. J.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-196
Continuous mental state estimation using EEG band power time series predictions.Moedano-Atristain, J.; Yañez-Suarez, O.; Bojorges-Valdez, E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-197
Transitional Gestures for Enhancing ITR and Accuracy in Movement-based BCIsGemicioglu, T.; Zhao, Y.; Jackson, M.; Starner, T.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-199
A dynamic spiking data simulator for iBCI developmentde Lucena, D.; Pop, F.; Sachs, A.; Boulay, C.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-200
Cross-Task Transfer Learning in Emotion Estimating BCIKhan, Nazmun N.; Thompson, David E.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-201
Novel EEG Network Neuroscience Features for Dementia and Awareness Level Estimation in Passive BCI FrameworkRutkowski, Tomasz M.; Komendzinski, Tomasz; Otake-Matsuura, Mihoko; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-202
Using a Pre-trained Neural Language Model to Make Character Predictions for Brain-Computer InterfacesGaines, Dylan; Vertanen, Keith; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-203
The effect of gamified calibration environment on P300 and MI BCI performance in childrenKelly, D.; Irvine, B.; Kinney-Lang, E.; Comadurán Márquez, D.; Kirton, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-204
Design and evaluation of a tangible and haptic brain-computer interface for upper limb rehabilitation after strokeBougrain, L.; Fleck, S; Lécuyer, A.; Azevedo-Coste, C.; Skiba, N.; Rimbert,S.; Altamira, G. Herrera; Ciré, I.; Franc, S. Le; Guillou, R. Le; Gasq, D.; Bonan, I.; Pierret, J.; Buatois, S.; Chauvière, C.; Beis, J.-M.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-206
Does my child know I’m here? EEG signatures of parental comfort for disorders of consciousness in critically ill childrenMinhas, A.; Kinney-Lang, E.; Woodward, K.; Esser, M.; Kirton, A.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-207
NeuroExo: A Low cost Non Invasive Brain Computer Interface for upper-limb stroke neurorehabilitation at homeGonzalez-Espana, Jose; Craik, Alexander; Alamir, Ayman; Feng, Jeff; Contreras-Vidal, Jose L; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-208
You’ve got mail: using telehealth to improve dissemination of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for communication and controlVaughan, T. M.; Hitchcock, E. C.; Zeitlin, D. J.; Carmack, C.S.; Heckman, S.M.; Habibzadeh,H.; Keerthi, P.; Norton, J.S.S.; Franz, C. K.; Wolpaw, J.R.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-209
Why BCI-fi?Allison, B. Z.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-210
Mapping Research on Brain-Computer Interfaces for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Across the GlobeCunha, Evandro L. T. P.; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-212
Modeling local neural population responses to intracortical microstimulationYe, Joel; Wehbe, Leila; Gaunt, Robert; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-213
Brain Spine Interface to Restore Walking After Spinal Cord InjuryMartel, Félix; Galvez, Andrea; Spagnolo, Valeria; Martel, Felix; Karakas, Serpil; Intering, Nadine; Vat, Molywan; Faivre, Olivier; Harte, Cathal; Komi,Salif; Ravier, Jimmy; Collin, Thibault; Coquoz, Laure; Sakr, Icare; Baaklini, Edeny; Hernandez-Charpak, Sergio Daniel; Dumont, Gregory; Buschman,Rik; Buse, Nicholas; Denison, Tim; Nes, Ilse van; Asboth, Leonie; Watrin, Anne; Struber, Lucas; Sauter-Starace, Fabien; Langar, Lilia; Auboiroux, Vincent; Carda, Stefano ; Aksenova, Tetiana; Demesmaeker, Robin; Charvet, Guillaume; Bloch, Jocelyne; Courtine, Grégoire; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-214
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Stimulation Fosters Motor Imagery Skill AcquisitionAlawieh, Hussein; Liu, Deland; Madera, Jonathon; Kumar, Satyam; Racz, Frigyes Samuel; Majewicz Fey, Ann; del R. Millán, José; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-215
Event-Related Potential to visual cues in Motor Imagery Brain-Computer InterfaceGwon, Daeun; Jun, Sung Chan; Ahn, Minkyu; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-216
Joie: An Affective Brain-computer Interface (BCI) for Learning Mental Strategies for Positive AffectVujic, Angela; Nisal, Shreyas; Martin, Ashley; Maes, Pattie; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-217
Adaptive task designer for optimized training of a motor ECoG-based Brain-Computer Interface: toward unassisted closed loop BCI training.Martel, Félix; Quellec, Charlotte; Guy, Romain; Charvet, Guillaume; Chabardes, Stephan; Aksenova, Tetiana; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-218
Transfer Learning Promotes Acquisition of Individual BCI SkillsKumar, Satyam; Alawieh, Hussein; Racz, Frigyes Samuel; Fakhreddine, Rawan; José del R. Millán; 10.3217/978-3-85125-962-9-219