- TitelTU-Graz-Research
- Zusatz z. TitelWissen, Technik, Leidenschaft
- Persistent Identifier
- Erscheinungsjahr2008
- VerlagsortGraz
- VerlagVerl. d. Techn. Univ. Graz
- Erscheinungsjahr 1. Band2008
- Zugriffsrechte
- Volume 2024
- Volume 2023
- Volume 2022
- Volume 2021
- Heft: 1
- Editorial
- 2
- Vorwort
- 2
- Baustädter, Birgit
- A Greener World with Biotechnology
- 4-9
- Baustädter, Birgit
- Mit Biotechnologie in eine grünere Welt
- 4-9
- Khinast, Johannes
- RCPE Pilot Plant: High-Speed Drug Production
- 10-11
- Khinast, Johannes
- Rcpe Pilot Plant: Highspeed-produktion Von Medikamenten Gegen Covid-19 – Übernimmt Der Life-science-standort Steiermark Die Vorreiterrolle In Europa?
- 10-11
- Baustädter, Birgit
- „Mich interessiert einfach alles daran“
- 12-13
- Baustädter, Birgit
- Rieberer, René
- “I’m just interested in everything about it.”
- 12-13
- Polymer Competence Centre Leoben (PCCL)
- 13
- Junge Akademie der Wissenschaften
- 13
- Käthe-Leichter State Prize
- 13
- Käthe-Leichter-Preis
- 13
- Outstanding Research Award
- 13
- Polymer Competence Center Leoben
- 13
- 2021 William Prager Medal
- 13
- Outstanding Review Award
- 13
- Junge Akademie der Wissenschaften
- 13
- 2021 William Prager Medal
- 13
- Edmund und Rosa Hlawka-Preis
- 13
- Outstanding Review Award
- 13
- Outstanding Research Award
- 13
- Edmund and Rosa Hlawka Prize
- 13
- Huawei Apps UP
- 13
- TU Graz research: Die Vielfalt der Forschung an der TU Graz
- 14
- Coclite, Anna Maria
- Sommitsch, Christof
- Trimmel, Gregor
- Advanced Materials Science
- 15-17
- Huawei AppsUp
- 15
- Abbas, Qamar
- A Sprinter that Runs on Water: Energy Storage with Hybrid Supercapacitors
- 17-20
- Müller-Putz, Gernot
- Human & Biotechnology
- 21
- Kratzer, Regina
- CO2 and Lignocellulosic Biomass as Feedstocks for Upcoming Biotechnology
- 21-23
- Kaltenbacher, Manfred
- Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Technical and Medical Systems
- 24-27
- Römer, Kay Uwe
- Information, Communication & Computing
- 24
- Pichler, Rudolf
- High Frequency Data Capturing for Process Innovation at Machine Tools
- 28-30
- Eichlseder, Helmut
- Mobility & Production
- 28
- Hirschberg, Urs Leonhard
- Sustainable Systems
- 31
- Degros, Aglaée
- Monsberger, Markus
- Residence-Based Mobility as a Starting Point for Sustainable Cities
- 32-33
- Heft: 2
- Heft: 1
- Volume 2020
- Volume 2019
- Volume 2018
- Volume 2017
- Volume 2016
- Volume 2015
- Volume 2014
- Volume 2013
- Volume 2012
- Volume 2011
- Volume 2010
- Volume 2009