TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Schenk, Alexander
The oxygen reduction reaction in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Elbe, Christian
A contribution to residential energy disaggregation based on appliance-specific characteristics
Kajtazovic, Nermin
A component-based approach for managing changes in the engineering of safety-critical embedded systems
Pichler, Johann
Zur Synthese und Charakterisierung von Aminopropylzinnverbindungen
Nischler, Gernot
Zukunftsorientierte elektrizitätswirtschaftliche Netzentwicklung
Gudipati, Venugopal
The Yeast quinone reductase Lot6p and its cellular functions
Schüppel, Andreas
Wertigkeit von Windkraft, Photovoltaik und Spitzenlastkraftwerken als Teil des gesamten Elektrizitätssystems
Pabel, Roland
Der Wanla Tempel in Ladakh
Weber, Frederik
Viscose fibres - a model system to investigate the influence of charges on the properties of handsheets and fibre-fibre joints
Koroschetz, Christian
Verschiebung der umformtechnischen Grenzen bei der Verarbeitung von nichtrostenden Edelstählen
Brandauer, Werner
Verlustberechnung in Elektrizitätsnetzen mit gering superpositionierten Last- und Erzeugungseinheiten
Axmann, Harald
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Partikelkonzentration in Abgasen von Verbrennungsmotoren
Etterich, Tim
Verbindung des präventiven Qualitätsmanagements mit dem Systems Engineering zur nachhaltigen Reduzierung der Nicht-Qualität in der frühen Phase der Produktentwicklung
Wagner, Andreas
Untersuchungen zum Reibungsverhalten moderner Verbrennungsmotoren
Steiner, Alois
Untersuchung von Konzepten zur Innenraumkonditionierung von Fahrzeugen mit Elektroantrieben unter Berücksichtigung des Energieverbrauchs
Schiffer, Jürgen
Untersuchung von Einspritzpumpenkonzepten für Ottomotoren mit Niederdruck-Direkteinspritzung
Bauernfeind, Thomas
Untersuchung von Antennensystemen für passive kontaktlose Informationsübertragungssysteme im HF- und UHF-Bereich unter Verwendung der Methode der finiten Elemente
Maurer, Wilhelm Michael
Untersuchung der Auswirkung einer Weichen Zone auf die Festigkeitseigenschaften von hochfesten Schweißverbindungen
Reinisch, Hannes
Ultra low power electro-magnetic energy harvesting for a wireless sensor node enhanced with RFID functionality
Schmidt, Claudia
Triacylglycerol lipases of the yeast
Langensteiner, Bernd
Transport processes in ventilated buildings
Zwattendorfer, Bernd
Towards a privacy-preserving federated identity as a service-model
Koch, Barbara
Topology of Tgl3p, the main Triacylglycerol lipase of the yeast
Lanthaler, Markus
Third generation Web APIs
Zamani, Hassan Adrian
Thermo-mechanical modeling of laser-assisted side milling process
Muster-Slawitsch, Bettina
Thermal energy efficiency and process intensification for the food industry
Habenschuss, Stefan
Theoretical analysis of stochastic computations and learning in networks of spiking neurons
Cebrat, Gerfried Hans
Telematik-basiertes Energiemanagement für hybrid-elektrische Nutzfahrzeuge im Stadtverkehr
Lerchbacher, Markus
Teilentladungen (TE) bei Generatorstab-Isoliersystemen
Aksamija, Enes
Der Taylor-Couette Disc Contactor (TCDC); ein vereinfachtes und optimiertes Design von Drehscheibenextraktoren
Groß, Uwe Walter
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Cyclohexasilan-basierenden Push-Pull-Systemen
Lehner, Florian
Symmetry breaking in graphs and groups
Seebacher, David
Switched mode transmitter architectures for efficient wireless communication systems
Angerer, Anton
Success-factors of innovation management in automotive supplier industry
Dikovits, Martina
Study of the hot deformation behaviour of metal-based alloys under consideration of processing maps
Fradler, Christopher
Strategies to improve the efficiency of hybrid solar cells
Scheibelhofer, Otto
Spectroscopic methods for pharmaceutical process and product quality monitoring
Weisbecker, Hannah
Softening and damage behavior of human arteries
Billinger, Martin
Single-trial estimation of brain connectivity
Hadžić, Semin
Simulation und Validierung der lokalen Warmrissbildung beim Stahlguss
Feenstra, Peter
Simulation of solute-solid interactions
Chi, Shuli
Signal processing for energy-efficient burst-mode RF transmitters
Flock, Johanna
Redox-active pyridine ligand systems and their versatile application in low valent main group chemistry
Kreso, Dijana
Rational function decomposition and Diophantine equations
Egger, Sebastian
QoE analysis for interactive internet applications in the presence of delay
Winkler, Christine
Probing the secretory pathway of the yeast Pichia pastoris
Menghin, Manuel Josef
Power optimization techniques for near field communication systems
Woitsch, Gernot
Potentialanalyse mehrdimensionaler Bewegungen für Schlittenanlagen in der Fahrzeugsicherheitsentwicklung
Boiko, Tetiana
Potential theory on infinite trees and the unit disk
Krenn, Burkhard
Plastisches Versagen strukturierter Materialien
Kautsch, Andreas
Photoinduced dynamics of transition metal atoms and clusters in helium nanodroplets
Preschern, Christopher
Pattern-based development of embedded systems for safety and security
Lerchbaum, David
Patente in der Praxis
Salbrechter, Sebastian
Parameterbasiertes Modell zur Vorausberechnung von Wärmeeintrag und Kraftstoffverbrauch im Motorwarmlauf
Nau, Sebastian
Organic resistive memory devices
John, Lorenz Johannes
Optimal boundary control in energy spaces. Preconditioning and applications
Khlebnikov, Rostislav
Optical phenomena in participating media as metaphors for scientific visualization
Schlegl, Thomas
Open environment capacitive sensing for safety applications
Muschick, Daniel
Online-Parameteridentifikation bei Asynchronmaschinen
Pilz, Alexander
On the complexity of problems on order types and geometric graphs
Wohlhart, Paul
Object detection based on local evidence
Halwachs, Bettina
Novel strategies for the in-depth analysis of complex microbial communities
Bueschl, Christoph
Novel software for stable isotopic labelling assisted and LC-HRMS based untargeted metabolomics research and tracer-fate studies
Fast, David
Novel organic electrode materials for secondary batteries
Wilfling, Petra
Novel low valent main group element compounds
Ivashov, Vasyl\' A.
Non-polar lipids in Pichia pastoris
Maurer, Katja
New strategies to control Verticillium wilt in hops
Rothländer, Thomas
Nanoimprint lithography as a structuring method of printable materials for organic electronics
Meckmann, Felix
Nachhaltiges Bauen - Anforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Anwendung der Leistungsbilder der HOAI
Meissner, Paul
Multipath-assisted indoor positioning
Ploier, Birgit
Molecular Enzymology of lipolytic enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Schörghuber, Christoph
Modellbasierte Regelung von Biomasse-Feuerungsanlagen
Singer, Philipp
Modeling aspects of human trails on the web
Regneri, Mario
Modeling and multi-objective optimal control of integrated wastewater collection and treatment systems in rural areas based on fuzzy decision-making
Jöbstl, Elisabeth
Model-based mutation testing with constraint and SMT solvers
Schlicke, Dirk
Mindestbewehrung zwangbeanspruchter Betonbauteile unter Berücksichtigung der erhärtungsbedingten Spannungsgeschichte und der Bauteilgeometrie
Fajriyah, Rohmatul
Microarray data analysis: background correction and differentially expressed genes
Unzeitig, Wolfgang
Methodik zur frühen Fabrikplanung bei Unsicherheiten
Diwoky, Clemens
Methodical developments for preclinical stem cell tracking on a clinical 3 Tesla MRI
Oberauner-Wappis, Lisa
Schmölzer, Katharina
Mechanistic study of pro- and eukaryotic sialyltransferases
Vieira, Luciana
Mechanistic studies of zinc electrodeposition from deep eutectic solvents
Pilgerstorfer, Thomas
Mechanical characterization of fault zones
Wahl, Patrick
Measuring and controlling critical process parameters of pharmaceutical manufacturing by PAT
Tschiatschek, Sebastian
Maximum margin Bayesian networks
Nessler, Bernhard
Mathematics of the mind: probabilistic inference and learning in spiking neuronal circuits
Epp, Viktor
Lithium diffusivity in fast solid-state ionic conductors
Klug, Lisa Theresa Romana
Lipids of Pichia pastoris
Berg, Thomas
Leitfähige Partikel im koaxialen Rohrleiter unter hoher Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung
Chen, Yunjin
Learning fast and effective image restoration models
Rašeta, Marko
Lacunary series with random gaps
Stoisser, Thomas
L-lactate oxidase
Hütter, Daniel
Kapazitätsmärkte unter den Aspekten der Versorgungssicherheit und der Entwicklung der Erzeugungskosten
Vogl, Franziska
Janus-faced oxidized phospholipids: toxic mediators in macrophages and skin cancer cells
Toschkoff, Gregor
Investigation of pharmaceutical tablet film coating processes using numerical simulations
Stranacher, Klaus
Interoperability of electronic documents
Zhou, Lei
International benchmarking in facility management – comparison of different national benchmarking pools
Hoppe, Christof
Interactive structure-from-motion
Soliman, Mohamed
Intelligent pedagogical agents in immersive 3D virtual learning environments
Zaman, Safdar
Intelligent model-based diagnosis and repair for ROS-based autonomous robots
Ungerböck, Birgit
Integration of luminescent chemical sensors into miniaturized devices
Pilch, Erwin
Integrale Brücke
Marko, Wolfgang Arthur
Innovationsfähigkeit und organisationale Ambidextrie
Geiger, Bernhard C.
Information loss in deterministic systems
Emmerstorfer, Anita
Improving heterologous cytochrome P450 function in S. cerevisiae
Schuß, Christian
Improvement of the operating range of electric and hybrid electric vehicles
Brunner, Peter
Improved methods for the application of brain signals to communication and diagnosis
Napora-Wijata, Kamila
Identification and expression of new microbial oxidoreductases
Feiner, Roland
Hydrierende Verflüssigung biogener Einsatzstoffe
Straka, Matthias
Human pose and shape estimation from multi-view images for virtual dressing rooms
Pötz, Sandra
High capacity electrodes for lithium-ion batteries
Schrittwieser, Maximilian
Heat transfer in the stator of electrical machines
Lackner, Michael
Hardware-software codesign for secure Java cards
Zellnitz, Sarah
Glass beads as model carrier in dry powder inhalers
Hösch, Heinz
Gestaltung von methodenunterstützten Prozessphasen einer TRIZ-orientierten Technologieentwicklung für ein Industrieunternehmen
Pedroß-Engel, Andreas
Generalized noncoherent ultra-wideband receivers
Gutmann, Alexander
From mechanistic insight into flavonoid O- and C-glycosyltransferases to their synthetic application
Rößl, Ulrich
Freeze-thaw behavior of pharmaceutical proteins
Aschbacher, Helmut
Framework für das agile Entwickeln von IKT-basierten Dienstleistungen unter Nutzung von Smart Services
Schmied, Roland
Focused ion beam structuring of low melting polymeric materials
Hoang, Minh Hao
Fluorescence quenching mechanism in inter- and intramolecular photoinduced electron transfer reactions studied by time-resolved magnetic field effects on exciplexes
Jesussek, Mathias
Fault detection and force estimation for a railway vehicle system
Luckabauer, Martin
Extension of the temperature range in kinetics studies on metallic glasses by novel dilatometric techniques
Steurer, Michael Erwin
Exploiting location-based data sources for link prediction in an online social network
Hetzel, Reinhold
Experimental studies on electroluminescence and its driving parameters of GaN-based and AlGaInP-based light emitting diodes
Wittwer, Lukas
Experimental and numerical investigations of pin structures and pin reinforced dissimilar joints
Nacht, Thomas
Erforderliche Speicherkapazitäten zur Erhöhung des Wertes erneuerbarer Energien
Schmoltner, Kerstin
Environmentally stable organic field-effect transistor based sensor devices
Pucher, Hannes
Entwicklung, Design und Modellierung eines Upgrading-Prozesses biobasierter flüssiger Energieträger
Kuduzović, Asmir
Entwicklung von ultrahochfesten Stählen für Schrauben und Verbindungselemente im Automobilbau
Schneeberger, Michael
Energetische Trocknungsoptimierung bei Papiermaschinen mittels Simulation der Stoff- und Wärmeübertragung unter Berücksichtigung der trocknungsrelevanten Eigenschaften der Faserstoffe
Pessentheiner, Ariane
Elucidation of genes influencing adipogenic development and energy metabolism
Perchthaler, Markus
Elektrodenstrukturen und Katalysatoren für Hochtemperatur-PEM-Brennstoffzellen
Heil, Christoph
Electronic properties and susceptibilities of iron-based superconductors
Hà Thị Hai, Yen
Electrochemical investigations of the diffusion coefficients and the heterogeneous electron transfer rates of organic redox couples measured in ionic liquids
Bacher, Christian
Electric Vehicle with Combustion Engine Assist
Ćustić, Ante
Efficiently solvable special cases of multidimensional assignment problems
Kager, Bernhard
Efficient convolution quadrature based boundary element formulation for time-domain elastodynamics
Forstlechner, Franz Xaver
Dünnwandige Tragkonstruktionen aus Carbonbeton
Ganahl, Martin Jakob
Dynamics of strongly correlated one-dimensional quantum systems using matrix product states
Ablinger, Robert
Drehzahlsynchrones Unrundschleifen
Aichinger, Philipp
Diplophonic voice
Pratomosiwi, Fari
Dielectric properties of transformer boards and papers impregnated with alternative insulating fluids
Quaritsch, Thomas
Diagnosis of LTL specifications using consistency-oriented model-based reasoning
Buchmayr, Michael
Development of fully implicit block coupled solvers for incompressible turbulent flows
Moradi, Farzaneh
Development of a novel method and instrumentation for the analysis of volatile organic substances by ICP-OES
Druml, Norbert
Design evaluation framework for secure and low-power embedded systems
Huber, Niko Benjamin
Design and implementation of a rock slope monitoring system based on “Image Assisted Total Stations“
Aigner, Daniel
Design and development of new sensitive materials in fluorescence pH sensors
Boano, Carlo Alberto
Dependable wireless sensor networks
Puchleitner, Thomas
Customer support as an instrument of marketing
Hofferek, Georg
Controller synthesis with uninterpreted functions
Besenhard, Maximilian
Continuous crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients via a tubular reactor
Pediaditis, Matthäus
Computerised analysis of the clinical image of absence seizures
Shahzad, Khurram
Comparative normative analysis of sustainability measurement methods
Frischauf, Norbert
Communication-exploration-navigation technologies - applications, trade-offs and possible transfers between space and ground at the example of MOA2 [MOA hoch 2], a novel pulsed plasma accelerator
Pölzlbauer, Florian
Communication-centric task allocation for designing and maintaining networked embedded real-time systems
Hirzer, Martin
Combining descriptive and discriminative information for person re-identification
Kraus, Patrick
Classical and quantum-mechanical atom-surface interaction models applied to He-scattering measurements on Bi(111) and Sb(111) surfaces
Pump, Eva
Cis-dihalo ruthenium benzylidenes as (pre-)catalysts in olefin metathesis reactions
Bergner, Thomas
Characterisation of two microbial flavin dependent monooxygenases
Müller, Christiana
Change of business models and the role of the business ecosystem
Harrich, Alexander
CAD-basierte Methoden zur Unterstützung der Karosseriekonstruktion in der Konzeptphase
Krolle, Arne
Benetzbarkeit der Papieroberfläche
Höhenberger, Andreas
Beitrag zur Ermittlung der Restlebensdauer von Kanälen auf Basis des Ist-Zustandes
Dohr, Martin
Automotive network optimization
Schabus, Dietmar
Audiovisual speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models
Bazarova, Alina
Asymptotic properties of trimmed sums and their applications in analysis and statistics
Hein, Karima B.
Assessing event detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks
Emmerer, Martin
Architektur Routine(n)
Kinsky, Thomas
Die Applikation des neuen flexiblen Beinprüfkörpers für die Fußgängerschutztests
Hinterhofer, Marlene
Anteil der verkehrsbedingten PM10 [PM tief 10] und PM2,5 [PM tief 2,5] Emissionen aus Abrieb und Wiederaufwirbelung an der Feinstaubbelastung in Österreich
Krois, Günter
Alkali - alkaline earth metal molecules on cold helium droplets
Faustmann, Christian
Aerodynamische Optimierung umlenkender Turbinenübergangskanäle und deren Einfluss auf die Schallentstehung
Miletzky, Albrecht
Adding value to cellulose fibers by the addition of xylan
Wakolbinger, Christian
Adaptive Emergency Power System - regionale Notstromversorgung im Krisenfall
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