TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Krammer, Christopher
"Mud-Pumping" im Eisenbahnbau
Kobler, Reinmar
M/EEG-based kinematics de- and encoding in visuomotor and oculomotor tasks
Freidl, Philipp Franz
Yu, Wei
Machine learning applications in computer vision
Singh, Deepika
Machine learning based smart home system in ambient assisted living
Meyer, Ralf
Machine learning in computational chemistry
Steffan, Matthias
Machine-tool for research in synchronous grinding
Götschl, Katja Elisabeth
Magnesium incorporation dynamics in amorphous and crystalline calcium carbonate affected by sulfate
Wankmüller, Alexander
Magnetic field effect on P-type delayed fluorescence of the system perylene with various porphyrins in solution
Issa, Sinan
Magnetic induction tomography spectroscopy (MITS)
Bali, Madeleine
Magnetic material degradation due to different cutting techniques and its modeling for electric machine design
Aigner, Christoph Stefan
Magnetic resonance RF pulse design for simultaneous multislice imaging
Strasser, Johannes Konrad
Magnetic resonance elastography of the human brain
Mulec, Miran
Magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic modelling of resistive wall modes
Plankenauer, Elisabeth
Management of barriers to innovation in e-mobility
Müller, Matthias
Managing open ecosystems
Schrode, Benedikt
Mapping large reciprocal-space volumes by rotating grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
Süßenbacher, Wilhelm
Marktgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten der Elektrizitätswirtschaft
Popp, Thomas
Masking at the cell level - a hardware countermeasure against power analysis attacks for cryptographic devices
Kokol, Jan
Mass Customization basierend auf wirtschaftlichen Modellen und die Parallelität zur Kunst als Unikum
Blumer, Samuel
Material- und systemunabhängige Bestimmung von Deckenelementen im digitalen Gebäudemodell
Nessler, Bernhard
Mathematics of the mind: probabilistic inference and learning in spiking neuronal circuits
Tschiatschek, Sebastian
Maximum margin Bayesian networks
Schaffer, Klaus Maria
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Arbeitsprozesses und des Reibungsverhaltens von Pkw Dieselmotoren
Sturm, Peter
Maßnahmenoptimierung im untergeordneten Straßennetz basierend auf automatisiert bewerteter Straßenbedeutungen
Khan, Hassan Noor
Measurement based backscatter RFID system analyzer for tag localization
Freiberger, Karl
Measurement methods for estimating the error vector magnitude in OFDM transceivers
Wahl, Patrick
Measuring and controlling critical process parameters of pharmaceutical manufacturing by PAT
Parthan, Binu
Measuring of low-carbon energy innovatons - the case of developing countries
Pilgerstorfer, Thomas
Mechanical characterization of fault zones
Sherifova, Selda Mitatova
Mechanical testing and modeling of human thoracic aortic tissues in health and disease
Hübner, Ulrich
Mechanische Kenngrößen von Buchen-, Eschen- und Robinienholz für lastabtragende Bauteile
Eixelsberger, Thomas
Mechanistic analysis and synthetic application of nucleotide sugar oxidoreductases
Borg, Annika Jasmin Eveliina
Mechanistic insights into the catalytic pathways of SDR enzymes
Leypold, Mario
Mechanistic investigation of the PhzF-catalyzed proton transfer in the biosynthesis of phenazines
Griesser, Markus
Mechanistic investigations of novel photoinitiators for radical polymerization
Vieira, Luciana
Mechanistic studies of zinc electrodeposition from deep eutectic solvents
Schmölzer, Katharina
Mechanistic study of pro- and eukaryotic sialyltransferases
Sporer, Harald
Mechatronic system development
Vockenhuber, Mario
Mechatronisches Expertentool zur virtuellen und praktischen Funktionsentwicklung geregelter Traktionssysteme
Hobisch, Markus
Medium and reaction engineering of light-driven biotransformations
Pirker, Alexander
Messung und Darstellung von Teilentladungen bei Gleichspannung zur Identifikation von Defekten gasisolierter Systeme
Oberauner-Wappis, Lisa
Kienberger, Thomas
Methanierung biogener Synthesegase mit Hinblick auf die direkte Umsetzung von höheren Kohlenwasserstoffen
Luber, Bernd
Methode zur Bewertung von Gleislageabweichungen auf Basis von Fahrzeugreaktionen
Krenn, Markus
Methoden für die thermodynamische Analyse und Simulation der Dual Fuel Verbrennung in Großmotoren
Prüller, Rainer
Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Modellierung und Prognose von Veränderungen der alpinen Landbedeckung
Pieringer, Paul
Methoden zur instationären Strömungsrechnung in thermischen Turbomaschinen
Diwoky, Clemens
Methodical developments for preclinical stem cell tracking on a clinical 3 Tesla MRI
Mörwald, Georg
Methodik zur Auslegung einer geometrisch definierten Mechanik zur Regelung von hydrostatischen Lagerungen
Unzeitig, Wolfgang
Methodik zur frühen Fabrikplanung bei Unsicherheiten
Kraiger, Markus Josef
Methodische Aspekte der quantitativen Magnetresonanztomographie für endogene Biomarker auf dem Gebiet der muskuloskeletalen Bildgebung
Beglerovic, Halil
Methodologies for testing and validation of automated driving functions
Schurig, Matthias
Methodology to evaluate the agility of a production network using a stress test approach
Mutlu, Belgin
Methods to recommend and personalize visualizations
Tengg, Martin
Methyltransferases for novel biocatalytic C-C bond formation
Fajriyah, Rohmatul
Microarray data analysis: background correction and differentially expressed genes
Grengg, Cyrill
Microbial induced acid corrosion in sewer environments
Freudenthaler-Holzer, Sandra
Microbial investigation of milk product quality in different operating levels
Schmid, Florian
Microorganisms associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): antagonistic traits and influence of farming practices
Wu, Mingqiu
Microscopic models for the comprehensive investigation of wet powder blending
Vujić, Stojan
Microstructural investigation of 25Cr-20Ni-Nb-N austenitic steel for USC and A-USC coal power plants
Pein, Cornelia
Microstructural modelling of diffusional creep in polycrystals
Unterberger, Michael Johannes
Microstructurally-motivated constitutive modeling of cross-linked filamentous actin networks
Buzolin, Ricardo Henrique
Microstructure design of titanium alloys via thermomechanical treatments
Plesiutschnig, Ernst
Microstructure improvement of Boron containing 9% Cr martensitic steels
Kiss, Nikolett
Mikropartikelherstellung in Rührreaktoren für pharmazeutische Anwendungen
Zallinger, Michael
Mikroskopische Simulation der Emissionen von Personenkraftfahrzeugen
Krenmayr, Bernhard
Mikrostrukturbasierte Kriechmodellierung von martensitischen Stählen und Untersuchung möglicher Abweichungen beim Kriechexperiment
Schlicke, Dirk
Mindestbewehrung zwangbeanspruchter Betonbauteile unter Berücksichtigung der erhärtungsbedingten Spannungsgeschichte und der Bauteilgeometrie
Pachler, Walther
Miniaturized RFID tags exploring passive boosting technologies
Mair, Andreas
Misfire detection for internal combustion aircraft engines
Ali, Zulfiqar
Mobile application testing using behavior-driven development based specifications for Android platform
Schall, Gerhard
Mobile augmented reality for human scale interaction with geospatial models
Grubert, Jens
Mobile augmented reality for information surfaces
Hartl, Andreas Daniel
Mobile interactive document verification
Rechberger, Andreas
Model assisted automated hw/sw partitioning
Lassnig, Alexander
Model based evaluation of integrated care and health economic outcome in heart failure treatment
Goetsch, Thomas
Model development for isomer separation processes
Pichler, Martin Felix
Model predictive control for heating in residential buildings
Leimgruber, Johannes
Model-based assessment of cost-effective low impact development strategies to control water balance
Rumetshofer, Johannes
Model-based control of dedicated hybrid drivetrains
Martin, Helmut
Model-based development and validation of safety-relevant E/E systems
Steffelbauer, David Bernhard
Model-based leak localization in water distribution systems
Jöbstl, Elisabeth
Model-based mutation testing with constraint and SMT solvers
Genser, Simon
Model-based pre-step stabilization method for non-iterative co-simulation
Bozic, Josip
Model-based security testing of web applications
Jehan, Seema
Model-based testing and debugging of SOA business processes
Kowald, Dominik
Modeling activation processes in human memory to improve tag recommendations
Kröll, Mark
Modeling and acquiring knowledge about human goals
Matić, Josip
Modeling and analysis of pharmaceutical hot melt extrusion
Regneri, Mario
Modeling and multi-objective optimal control of integrated wastewater collection and treatment systems in rural areas based on fuzzy decision-making
Anastasiadis, Ioannis
Modeling and simulation of GMR sensor circuits for automotive applications
Possanner, Stefan
Modeling and simulation of spin-polarized transport at the kinetic and diffusive level
Siraj, Muhammad Shafiq
Modeling and simulations of granular flows using Discrete Element Method (DEM)
Singer, Philipp
Modeling aspects of human trails on the web
Campos, Fernando Otaviano
Modeling atrial activation sequences in the rabbit heart in macroscopic and microscopic dimensions
Winkler, Christian
Modeling charge-transport relevant quantities of organic and hybrid nanomaterials
Hösch, Sabine
Modeling individual usage behavior for business information system & information technology
Eitzlmayr, Andreas
Modeling of high-viscous flow and mixing in co-rotating twin-screw extruders
Rangger, Gerold M.
Modeling of metal-organic interfaces for improving state-of-the-art organic electronic devices
Radl, Stefan
Modeling of multiphase systems in pharmaceutical applications
Martitsch, Andreas Frank
Modeling of plasma rotation in tokamaks
Loidolt, Peter
Modeling of powder compaction
Verwüster, Elisabeth
Modeling the impact of imperfections on prototypical self-assembled monolayers
Gürsoy, Doğa
Modeling, system optimization and artifact reduction in magnetic induction tomography for medical applications
Schlickenrieder, Magdalena
Modell für die Rahmenbedingungen eines differenzierten Risikomanagementansatzes für Eisenbahninfrastrukturprojekte mit Fokus auf die Planungsphasen bis zur Vergabe
Piffl, Martin
Modellbasierte Produktions- und Lebensdauerorientierte Entwicklung am Beispiel eines Dieselmotors
Schörghuber, Christoph
Modellbasierte Regelung von Biomasse-Feuerungsanlagen
Nußbaumer, Christian
Modellbildung und Simulation der Dynamik von seilbetriebenen, automatischen Personentransportsystemen
Kitanoski, Filip
Modellbildung, Simulation und optimale Steuerung des Kühlsystems eines Hybridfahrzeuges
Krumphals, Alfred
Modellierung der Gefügeänderung bei der thermomechanischen Behandlung der Alpha-Beta Titanlegierung Ti-6Al-4V
Haidinger, Thomas
Modellierung und Regelung eines elektrischen Rotationsaktuators
Freistätter, Markus
Modellierung und Regelung verfahrenstechnischer Prüfstände
Steinberger, Martin
Modellierung, Simulation und Regelung von Prozessen zur Herstellung dünner organischer Schichten
Holzer, Ivan
Modelling and simulation of strengthening in complex martensitic 9-12% Cr Steel and a binary Fe-Cu alloy
Pecevski, Dejan Aleksandar
Modelling inference and learning in biological networks of neurons
Riederer, Katharina
Modelling of ground support in tunnelling using the BEM
Balwan, Mohsin
Modelling red time counters at actuated traffic signals
Bureau, Romain
Modelling the microstructure evolution of an aluminium alloy 6082 during cold rolling and continuous solution annealing
Kranawetter, Klemens
Modelling, simulation and control of highly dynamic automotive test bed components
Forstinger, Martin
Modelling, simulation, and control of power train test beds
Bauer, Susanne Maria
Models and simulation of EMC problems
Painer, Daniela
Modern tools for process intensification: reactive separations
Track, Anna M.
Modifying surfaces relevant for organic devices
Kelz, Gerald
Modulare Modellbildung und Simulation von hybriden Antriebssträngen
Esterl, Benjamin
Modulare echtzeitfähige Simulation des Fahrzeug-Mehrkörpersystems
Ploier, Birgit
Molecular Enzymology of lipolytic enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Djurić, Tatjana
Molecular crystals on crystalline surfaces
Leutnant, Dominik
Monitoring, analysis and modelling of urban stormwater quality
Steffan, Christoph
Monolithic ultra-low power solar harvester with high dynamic MPPT algorithm
Pratter, Sarah
Mononuclear nonheme iron and oxygen dependent tayloring enzymes from antibiotic biosynthetic pathways
Hofer, Markus
Monte Carlo Methoden in der Finanzmathematik
Blaickner, Matthias
Monte Carlo simulations of an ensemble of reference phantoms as a basis towards a more individual dose assessment in nuclear medicine
Haas, Wernfried
Morphology control of high-performance polymer solar cells
Gsell, Matthias August Franz
Mortar domain decomposition methods for quasilinear problems and applications
Zingl, Manuel Johannes
Mott physics and transport properties of BaMn2As2 and LaMnAsO
Schweiger, Wolfgang
Ein Multi-Domain-Modellierungsansatz zur Auslegung und Berechnung von Zahnringpumpen am Beispiel von Niederdruckanwendungen in der Automobiltechnik
Saffari, Amir
Multi-class semi-supervised and online boosting
Zyoud, Shaher H.
Multi-criteria decision making techniques for water loss management in water supply networks of developing countries
Huber, Thomas
Multi-decade GaN power amplifiers in common-source and Cascode topology
Coers, Malte
Multi-decade broadband GaN power amplifiers with high linearity & low noise performance
Leitner, Andrea
Multi-paradigm variability modeling for software product lines
Lewińska, Katarzyna Ewa
Multi-scale detection of drought impact on the mountain forest of South Tyrol
Pichler, Florian
Multibody dynamics of jointed flexible structures
Holzer, Peter
Multibody structure and motion from structure and motion in conjunction with space time appearance analysis
Gehmayr, Verena
Multifunctional alkaline pulping with enzyme treatments: how to convert paper-grade pulps into high-quality dissolving pulps
Zieger, Silvia Elisabeth
Multiparametric sensing - from development to application in marine science
Meissner, Paul
Multipath-assisted indoor positioning
Guggenberger, Thomas
Multiple Ressourcennutzung in kommunizierenden Raumstrukturen - Fokus Energie
Champour, Mahdi
Multiview facial expression recognition
Scherübel, Peter
Mysterium Methanol
Christiner, Peter Josef
Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des Klopfverhaltens bei direktgezündeten Großgasmotoren
Prochazka, Wenzel
A mechanistically deduced ageing model for lithium-ion cells
Aigner, Wolfgang
The medial axis of geometric objects for various convex metrics
Wallinger, Gebhard Josef
A method to couple non-conforming finite element meshes
Lang, Harald
Die methodische Integration empirischer Analysen in die frühen Phasen eines Entwicklungsprozesses
Balta, Vesna
A methodology for acoustically superior spaces or an acoustics handbook for architects
Mahnert, Alexander
The microbiome of controlled built environments
Koeberl, Martina
The microbiome of medicinal plants and its potential for biocontrol and promotion of plant growth and quality
Schönauer, Robert
A microscopic traffic flow model for shared space
Ebner, Wolfgang
Ein modellbasierter Ansatz für die Auslegung und Regelung eines elektro-hydraulischen Systems für Automatikgetriebe
Derler, David
A modular framework for privacy-enhancing signatures: generalizations, extensions, and novel building blocks
Stolz, Michael
Ein modularer modellbasierter Ansatz zur Mehrgrößenregelung des Luftpfades eines Dieselmotors
Mauroner, Fabian
Schädlich, Bert
A multilaminate constitutive model for stiff soils
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