TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Willberger, Johann
AC motor design and evaluation for automotive traction applications
Langlotz, Tobias
AR 2.0: social media in mobile augmented reality
Kren, Harald
About the continuous growth of the solid electrolyte interphase in lithium ion batteries
Bayer, Cornelia
About the improvement of high capacity silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Hannl, David
Absorptions/Kompressions-Wärmepumpe für Hochtemperaturanwendung mit dem Arbeitsstoffgemisch Ammoniak/Lithiumnitrat
Neumayer, Markus
Accelerated Bayesian inversion and calibration for electrical tomography
Spann, Stefan
Accelerated arterial spin labeling
Mohsin, Munazza
Accelerated voltage cycling tests of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Grinschgl, Johannes
Acceleration of system-on-chip fault attack emulation
Preishuber-Pflügl, Florian
Access to nanocrystalline f-ion conductors by mechanochemistry
Lindenthaler, David
Accurate power measurements in electric drives
Mühlbacher, Clemens
Achieving dependability of high-level robot programs by using belief management
Weiß, Stefan
Activated zeolite as operational environment in anaerobic fermentation processes
Teixeira dos Santos, Tiago Filipe
Activity dynamics in Peer production systems
Wakolbinger, Christian
Adaptive Emergency Power System - regionale Notstromversorgung im Krisenfall
Faller, Josef
Adaptive brain-computer interfaces for users with severe motor impairment
Saleem, Shahzad
Adaptive calibration of frequency response mismatches in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters
Miletzky, Albrecht
Adding value to cellulose fibers by the addition of xylan
Juhart, Joachim
Adhäsion von UHPC an Stahl und Glas
Lechner, Martin
Adoption of agile software development methods in practice
Fernandez Prim, David
Advanced GNSS receiver architectural measures for improved performance in interference environments
Neugebauer, Peter
Advanced crystallization and crystal engineering in continuously operated tubular crystallizers
Handgruber, Paul
Advanced eddy current and hysteresis loss models for steel laminations of rotating electrical machines
Flohberger, Markus
Advanced satellite monitoring using blind demodulation techniques
Tranninger, Markus
Advanced state estimation methods for complex dynamical systems
Sinnhofer, Andreas Daniel
Advances of the pre-personalization process for secure embedded systems
Sahito, Farhan Hyder
Advancing forensic interrogation techniques to combat terrorism and enhance state security
Spataro, Rosario
Aerodynamic design and investigation of an embedded concept for turning mid turbine frames
Faustmann, Christian
Aerodynamische Optimierung umlenkender Turbinenübergangskanäle und deren Einfluss auf die Schallentstehung
Stojčić, Bojana
Affinity tagging of (phospho)lipolytic enzymes in cultured cells
Theisen, Moritz
Aggregation of Rb and Cs atoms on helium nanodroplets and laser ionization of cold clusters
Kummer, Markus
Aggregierte Berücksichtigung von Produktivitätsverlusten bei der Ermittlung von Baukosten und Bauzeiten
Stelzmann, Ernst Stefan
Agile Systems Engineering
Milchrahm, Harald
Agile usability processes
Haberkorn, Thomas
Aircraft separation in uncontrolled airspace including human factors
Schreiber, Hannah
Algorithmic aspects in standard and non-standard persistent homology
Kornberger, Bernhard
Algorithms for 3D objects using unions of balls
Krois, Günter
Alkali - alkaline earth metal molecules on cold helium droplets
Walenta, Evelyn
Alpha-beta-hydrolase domain containing protein 15 (ABHD15)
Pagger, Ernst Peter
Alternative Isolierflüssigkeiten im Vergleich zum klassischen Mineralöl
Jackum, Thomas Rene
Alternative concepts for linear voltage regulators in deep sub-micron technologies
Fritzer, Johannes
Alternative fuels and bio-fuels for aviation
Kuen, Christoph
Alterung von Zellulosematerialien des Öl-Papier-Isolationssystems von Leistungstransformatoren
Zeppek, Cathrin
Amine base induced polymerization of aryltin hydrides
Noormofidi, Nadja
Amino-fuctionalised poly(norbornene)s prepared by ring opening metathesis polymerisation
Schenk, Mario
AnSim: an analytic simulator for electronic circuits
Zöscher, Lukas
Analog front-ends for HF/UHF dual band RFID transponders
Klima, Herwig
Analogien von technischen und wirtschaftlichen Systemen sowie Nutzung technischer Regelprozesse für die Unternehmensführung
Kugler, Paul
Analyse möglicher Ansätze zur Verlängerung der rechnerischen Restlebensdauer geschweißter Eisenbahnbrücken
Niederkofler, Haymo
Analyse radselektiv eingreifender Fahrdynamikregelsysteme für die Anwendung in elektromechanischen Corner-Modulen
Redtenbacher, Christoph
Analyse und Optimierung von Vorkammerbrennverfahren für Großgasmotoren
Kotnig, Claudio
Analysis and conceptual design of the cryogenic system of the Future Circular Collider
Essl, Christiane
Analysis and early detection of failing automotive lithium-ion batteries
Koch, Stefan
Analysis and synthesis of discrete-time sliding mode controllers and observers
Grüneberger, Patrick
Analysis methods for irregular combustion events in SI engines
Urthaler, Peter
Analysis of boundary element methods for wave propagation in porous media
Wiener, Thomas
Analysis of cardiac near field signals
Mendel, Florian
Analysis of cryptographic hash functions
Hörzer, Gregor Michael
Analysis of neural data and models of neural networks related to working memory
Weinmann, Andreas
Analysis of nonlinear geometric subdivision schemes on polyhedral meshes
Walchshofer, Christian
Analysis of the dynamics at the base of a lifted strongly buoyant jet flame using Direct Numerical Simulation
Meingast, Arno
Analytical TEM investigations of nanoscale magnetic materials
Kraxner, Johanna
Analytical TEM of organic electronics with a special focus on EDXS and geometry aspects
Leis, Dorothea
Analytical methods for the characterization of aroma compounds in wine and grape must
Shahzad, Sara
Analyzing the extreme programming practices and knowledge management in software engineering education
Lamprecht, Daniel
Analyzing, modeling and improving navigability in networked information systems
Keplinger, Alois
Ansatz zur Kostenplanung von Innovationsvorhaben unter Unsicherheitsaspekten
Hinterhofer, Marlene
Anteil der verkehrsbedingten PM10 [PM tief 10] und PM2,5 [PM tief 2,5] Emissionen aus Abrieb und Wiederaufwirbelung an der Feinstaubbelastung in Österreich
Kienberger, Julia
Antibacterial equipment of polyolefins via thiol-ene chemistry
Prettenhofer, Bernhard
Anwendung der Systemtechnik auf komplexe Systeme der chemischen Industrie am Beispiel einer Olefin produzierenden Anlage
Sedighi, Pouya
Application of advanced constitutive model for ground improvement
Tahir, Muhammad Suleman
Application of corona discharge in off-gas and wastewater treatment
Müller, Bernhard
Application of luminescent sensors – A journey from miniaturization to imaging
Fladischer, Stefanie
Application of new EDXS quantification schemes in TEM to organic semiconducting devices
Nasekhian, Ali
Application of non-probabilistic and probabilistic concepts in finite element analysis of tunnelling
Ehrhart, Matthias
Applications of image-assisted total stations
Sun, Shiwen
Applications of integrated optical sensors for pH and oxygen monitoring in micro(bio)reactor
Dokter, Mark
Applications of massively parallel geometry processing
Kinsky, Thomas
Die Applikation des neuen flexiblen Beinprüfkörpers für die Fußgängerschutztests
Kopeinik, Simone
Applying cognitive learner models for recommender systems in sparse data learning environments
Höller, Christian
Approaches and concepts to increase the economic efficiency of selective laser melting
Emmerer, Martin
Architektur Routine(n)
Hubana, Tarik
Artificial neural networks application for station protection
Alkan, Hamza Furkan
Aspartate metabolism in cancer
Khan, Muhammad Salman
Aspects of content quality management in digital libraries of scholarly publications
Kolbitsch, Josef
Aspects of digital libraries
Brandstätter, Harald
Aspects of ionic transport in materials for lithium-ion batteries
Körner, Christian
Aspects of user motivation in social tagging systems
Hein, Karima B.
Assessing event detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks
Rexha, Andi
Assessing the usefulness of propositions, word embeddings, and style
Krisper, Michael
Assessment of cybersecurity based on risk and uncertainty propagation in distributed networked systems
Klug, Corina
Assessment of passive vulnerable road user protection with human body models
Klug, Christoph Hubert
Assistance for measuring human-made structures with robotic total stations
Bazarova, Alina
Asymptotic properties of trimmed sums and their applications in analysis and statistics
Resch, Laura
Atomic defects and processes in structurally complex materials studied by positron annihilation techniques
Oberdorfer, Bernd
Atomic free volume in bulk nanocrystalline metals studied by dilatometry and positron annihilation
Schabus, Dietmar
Audiovisual speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models
Habib, Tania
Auditory inspired methods for multiple speaker localization and tracking using a circular microphone array
Gabardi, Erwin
Die Aufbauorganisation in prozessorientierten Strukturen
Veas, Eduardo E.
Augmented reality interfaces for environmental monitoring
Kröpfl, Michael
Augmenting internet maps by leveraging community created and systematically collected imagery
Heindl, René
Auslegung und Untersuchung des Gemischbildungssystems für ein motorisches H2-DI [H tief 2] Diffusionsbrennverfahren
Griendl, Lorenz
Auslegung, experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Simulation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Strahlungsmodellierung eines 2,5 MWth [MW tief th] Oxyfuel-Kohlenstaubbrenners
Ayyal Awwad, Aiman Mamdouh Ahmad
Automated bidirectional languages localization testing for Android apps development
Walzel, Bernhard
Automated charging of electric vehicles with conductive standards
Bachmann, Christian
Automated power emulation methodology for power-aware hardware-software codesign of SoCs
Kritzinger, Johannes
Automated serial sectioning applied to the analysis of coating layer structures and fiber cross section properties
Trummer, Christoph
Automated simulation-based verification of power requirements for system-on-chip designs
Umgeher, Martin
Automated usability evaluation in agile projects
Galler, Stefan J.
Automatic object type test input data generation for Java programs based on design by contract specification
Zebedin, Lukas
Automatic reconstruction of urban environments from aerial images
Pammer, Viktoria
Automatic support for ontology evaluation
Weißbacher, Joachim
Automatische Reglerparametrierung von Servoantriebsachsen
Saad, Kmeid
Automotive camera modeling and integration with standardized interfaces
Bainschab, Markus
Automotive exhaust particle sensing down to ten nanometer
Dohr, Martin
Automotive network optimization
Dorda, Antonius
Auxiliary master equation approach for correlated quantum impurity problems out of equilibrium
Wappl, Christina
Avenues for improvement of state of the art chemical anchors
Wipfler, Harald
Avoiding lock-in in technology firms
Ringhofer, Andreas
Axially loaded self-tapping screws in solid timber and laminated timber products
Pötsch, Markus
The analysis of rotational and sliding modes of failure for slopes, foundations, and underground structures in blocky, hard rock
Iber, Johannes
An approach for adding resilience to industrial control systems
Schafzahl, Bettina
The aprotic Li-O2 battery fighting the detrimental impacts of oxygen
Solís Escalante, Teodoro
The asynchronous Graz brain switch
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