TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Macher, Georg
Framework for the integrated model-based development of dependable automotive systems and software
Macher-Ambrosch, Robert
Turbidity control
Machhammer, Michael
Tailored properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys produced through a short-term heat treatment for the application of sheet metal forming
Madadi Kandjani, Elham
Public place, identity and cultural values in the development of urban spaces
Mader, Roland
Computer-aided model-based safety engineering of automotive systems
Maderbacher, Gerhard
High frequency inductor based DC-DC buck converter in 65nm low power CMOS technology
Maglajlic, Seid
Improving learning performance in industrial e-learning settings by utilizing social networks
Magomedova, Zalina
Homologous and heterologous expression of oxidoreductases of R. eutropha H16
Mahafzah, Khaled A.
Design considerations to improve the efficiency of an AC-AC converter at low partial load
Mahne, Nika
Singlet oxygen in non-aqueous battery chemistries
Mahnert, Alexander
The microbiome of controlled built environments
Maier, Andrea
Orbit determination and gravity field recovery from tracking data to geodetic satellites and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Maier, Eugen
Development and optimization of organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposite solar cells
Maier, Manuel Christian
From chemistry to plant
Mair, Andreas
Misfire detection for internal combustion aircraft engines
Mair, Mathias
Nonlinear structural rotor vibrations in electrical machines
Mair-Zelenka, Philipp
Charakterisierung von Vielstoffgemischen mit Realkomponenten
Makkapati, Vamsi Prakash
Performance improvement of servo drive systems involving an elastic coupling
Mallits, Thomas
Fehlerstromaufteilung und Potentialverhältnisse in komplexen (Globalen-) Erdungssystemen und deren Einfluss auf die Beurteilung
Manavbasi, Yasemin
NKCS derived peptides as novel cancer therapeutics
Mandl, Christoph
Entwicklung, Test und Evaluierung einer Pelletvergasungstechnologie zur Wärmeerzeugung im kleinen Leistungsbereich
Mandl, Monika
Interactive recommendation applications for configurable products and services
Mandl, Peter
Last Mile Access Technologien zur Netzwerkanbindung verschiedener Gebäude unter Berücksichtigung technischer und rechtlicher Vorschriften
Mangalam, Jimmy
Lead halide perovskite solar cells: fabrication challenges and interface modification using phosphonic acid self assembled monolayers
Manninger, Verena
Knowledge-based innovation management
Marauli, Anton
Nachfrageabhängige verkehrsbetreiberübergreifende Fahrplanoptimierung
Marchl, Marco
Towards understanding and controlling the device characteristics of OTFTs
Marchner, Martin
Einflussfaktoren auf die Customer Attractiveness bei der Beschaffung knapper Rohstoffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung wettbewerbsrechtlicher Aspekte am Beispiel der steirischen Holzindustrie
Markl, Daniel
Optical coherence tomography for non-destructive in-line tablet coating analysis
Marko, Wolfgang Arthur
Innovationsfähigkeit und organisationale Ambidextrie
Marlingapla Halasiddappa, Lingaraju
Cytotoxic effects of oxidized phospholipids in vascular cells
Martin, Helmut
Model-based development and validation of safety-relevant E/E systems
Martin, Michael
Systematic method for quantifying measures to decrease the CO2 emissions of a vehicle fleet
Martitsch, Andreas Frank
Modeling of plasma rotation in tokamaks
Marussig, Benjamin
Seamless integration of design and analysis through boundary integral equations
Marx, Lisa
Partitioning and structural kinetics of antimicrobial peptides in lipid membrane mimics of varying complexity
Marzuki, Marzuki
Tropospheric precipitation microstructure and its influence on electromagnetic wave propagation
Matić, Josip
Modeling and analysis of pharmaceutical hot melt extrusion
Matzenauer, Gernot
Untersuchung von elektromagnetischen Wellenphänomenen mittels der Methode der finiten Elemente
Matzer, Claus Uwe
Bestimmung von Kraftstoffverbrauch und Abgasemissionen von Pkw in realen Betriebszuständen mittels Messung und Simulation
Maurer, Katja
New strategies to control Verticillium wilt in hops
Maurer, Wilhelm Michael
Untersuchung der Auswirkung einer Weichen Zone auf die Festigkeitseigenschaften von hochfesten Schweißverbindungen
Mauroner, Fabian
Mauthner, Thomas
Learning activity recognition from weakly labeled data
Maydl, Julia
Zum Einfluss der konstruktiven Durchbildung auf die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Hochbauten
Mayer, Michael
Evaluierung von Methoden zur Bestimmung des extravaskulären Lungenwassers mittels elektrischer Impedanztomographie
Mayer, Nicole
Studies towards the inhibition of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)
Mayr, Johannes
Strategien zur Weiterentwicklung der wissensbasierten Konstruktion
Mayr, Melanie
Fines characterization and their impact on technological properties in paper-making applications
Mayr, Philipp
Hardware-in-the-Loop Betrieb eines Einzylinder- Forschungsmotors zur Bewertung des transienten Verhaltens von Großmotoren
Mayr-Mittermüller, Bernhard
Numerical modeling of high temperature processes under oxygen enriched conditions
Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber, Michael
Surface structure and dynamics of Bi(111) and Sb(111) from Helium atom scattering experiments
Meckmann, Felix
Nachhaltiges Bauen - Anforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Anwendung der Leistungsbilder der HOAI
Medwed, Marcel
Protecting security-aware devices against implementation attacks
Mehmood, Rizwan
Techniques for consolidation and exploration of information on a webserver
Mehmood, Shahid
Experimental and theoretical investigation of thermophysical properties of platinum alloys in the solid and the liquid regions
Mehrabian Bardar, Ramin
CFD simulation of the thermal conversion of solid biomass in packed bed furnaces
Meidiana, Christia
Emergy analysis for assessing the scenarios of final waste treatment in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Meierhofer, Alexander
A new wheel-rail creep force model based on elasto-plastic third body layers
Meingast, Arno
Analytical TEM investigations of nanoscale magnetic materials
Meischler, Dorith
Polymer composites
Meisel, Andreas
Historische Dachwerke
Meissner, Paul
Multipath-assisted indoor positioning
Meixner, Philipp
Characterization of real properties using 3D vision
Mellitzer, Andrea
Expression and engineering of eukaryotic enzymes for polymer modification using Pichia pastoris
Mendel, Florian
Analysis of cryptographic hash functions
Mendez, Erick
On the usage of context for augmented reality visualization
Mendlik, Thomas
Statistical tools to quantify uncertainty of dependent climate change projections from multi-model ensembles
Menghin, Manuel Josef
Power optimization techniques for near field communication systems
Mertlitz, Verena
Flüssigphasen-Pyrolyse biogener Edukte
Messner, Elmar
A holistic approach to multi-channel lung sound classification
Messner, Matthias
Fast boundary element methods in acoustics
Meyer, Ralf
Machine learning in computational chemistry
Meßner, Michael
A fast multipole Galerkin boundary element method for the transient heat equation
Milchrahm, Harald
Agile usability processes
Miletzky, Albrecht
Adding value to cellulose fibers by the addition of xylan
Missoni, Albert
Design of an analog interface for frequency band comprehensive RFID systems
Mistlberger, Günter
Development and application of magnetically controlled optical chemical sensors
Mitrović, Aleksandra
Discovery and optimization of fungal lignocellulolytic enzymes
Mitterer, Nikolaus
Logistikplanung im Produktinnovationsprozess
Mitterfellner, Thomas
Elektronische Eigenschaften sauerstoffsubstituierter Cyclohexasilane
Mittermayr, Florian
Why thaumasite is forming in concrete structures
Moder, Thomas
Techniques for calibrating pedestrian dead reckoning parameters using smartphones
Mohr, Martin
Finite element based circuit models of electrical machines in multi-body-dynamics
Mohr-Ziak, Peter
Retargeting instructions to augmented reality
Mohsin, Munazza
Accelerated voltage cycling tests of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Moisi, Heinz Stefan
On the analysis and application of a R600 high temperature heat pump
Monschein, Mareike
Enhancing the efficiency of lignocellulose saccharification by modifying enzyme- and substrate associated determinants:
Moosbrugger, Thomas F.X.
Elastomechanik von Stäben mit komplexem Querschnittsaufbau und verallgemeinerter Querschnittskinematik
Moosmüller, Caroline
Smoothness analysis of linear and nonlinear Hermite subdivision schemes
Moradi, Farzaneh
Development of a novel method and instrumentation for the analysis of volatile organic substances by ICP-OES
Morak, Jürgen
Keep in touch (KIT)
Moreno Lavin, Fernando
Development of a control concept for a continuous direct compaction process
Mortsch, Martin
Entzundern und Entgraten von hohlen Getriebewellen
Moschik, Sonja
Steuerbarkeitsmaße für lineare zeitinvariante Systeme
Moser, Armin
Crystal structure solution based on grazing incidence x-ray diffraction
Moser, Jörg
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Thoracic Spine Trajektorie eines HIII 50th Crashtest Dummys im Frontalcrash basierend auf der Fusion von elektrischer Messtechnik und Finite Elemente Simulationsmodellen
Moser, Michael Johannes
Capacitive energy harvesting and capacitive icing detection on high-voltage overhead power lines
Moser, Olivia Amelie
Herstellung funktioneller dünner Schichten
Moser-Parapatits, Alexander
Dynamics of travel demand growth in Indian cities with limited data resources
Mosshammer, Markus
Untersuchung und Optimierung einer mehrstufigen Spaltrohrmotorpumpe
Mostegel, Christian
Confidence prediction for scene adaptive multi-view stereo
Mozdyniewicz, Danuta Joanna
Carbohydrate loss reactions during viscose manufacture
Moßhammer, Michael
Phase transitions and structural properties of random graphs on surfaces
Mucić, Kemal
Lineares Reibschweißen in der Kettenfertigung
Muehl, Judith K.
Techniques for interdisciplinary validation by visualization in physiological modeling liver radiofrequency ablation
Mueller, Stefan
Muhič, Sergej
Employing existing standard BIM formats as the source of building information in indoor positioning
Muhr, Alexander
Design and development of an experimental process setup for in vitro simulation of the impact of hydrodynamic stress on protein producing cells
Mulec, Miran
Magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic modelling of resistive wall modes
Mulero Aparicio, Antonio
Biological control of Verticillium wilt of olive with the non- pathogenic strain of Fusarium oxysporum FO12 and the grape marc compost CGR03
Mulloni, Alessandro
Enhancing handheld navigation systems with augmented reality
Munda, Gottfried
Dense image matching
Mungma, Nuttakul
Reactive extraction of lactic acid from acidic and alkaline aqueous solution with supported liquid membrane permeation
Municchi, Federico
Coarse grained models for momentum, heat and mass transfer in dense gas-particle suspensions from particle-resolved direct numerical simulation
Muralter, Fabian
Vapor-phase synthesis of smart polymers
Muratović, Redžo
Wechselseitige niederfrequente induktive Beeinflussung von Kabelsystemen
Muschick, Daniel
Online-Parameteridentifikation bei Asynchronmaschinen
Mushtaq, Muhammad Tahir
Energy detection and machine learning based spectrum sensing techniques for QPSK based baseband and pass-band cognitive radio systems
Muster-Slawitsch, Bettina
Thermal energy efficiency and process intensification for the food industry
Mutlu, Belgin
Methods to recommend and personalize visualizations
Méndez Martín, Francisca
Investigation of the effects and impacts of selective composition modifications on the precipitation kinetics and creep resistance of the 12 wt.%Cr steel X12CrCoWVNb 11-2-2
Mörwald, Georg
Methodik zur Auslegung einer geometrisch definierten Mechanik zur Regelung von hydrostatischen Lagerungen
Mücke, Manfred
An enhanced hardware description language implementation for improved design-space exploration in high-energy physics hardware design
Mühlbacher, Clemens
Achieving dependability of high-level robot programs by using belief management
Müller, Bernhard
Application of luminescent sensors – A journey from miniaturization to imaging
Müller, Bernhard
Fluoroionophores for optical ion sensing – from synthesis to applications
Müller, Christian
Hexagonal meshes as discrete minimal surfaces
Müller, Christiana
Change of business models and the role of the business ecosystem
Müller, Jörg Hermann
Shading atlas rendering for virtual reality
Müller, Matthias
Managing open ecosystems
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