TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Haas, Michael
Cyclic silenes and germenes
Haas, Wernfried
Morphology control of high-performance polymer solar cells
Habenbacher, Johann
Ein durchgängiger Betriebsfestigkeitsnachweis für Schienenfahrzeuge
Habenschuss, Stefan
Theoretical analysis of stochastic computations and learning in networks of spiking neurons
Haberkorn, Thomas
Aircraft separation in uncontrolled airspace including human factors
Habib, Tania
Auditory inspired methods for multiple speaker localization and tracking using a circular microphone array
Hackl, Andreas
Enhanced tyre modelling for vehicle dynamics control systems
Hackl, Herbert
On the simulation of radiated emission of integrated circuits according the CISPR 25 ALSE test
Hackl, Thomas
Relaxing and lifting triangulations
Hadl, Klaus
Emissionsreduzierung am PKW-Dieselmotor mit Schwerpunkt NOx-Speicherkatalysator
Hadl, Philipp
Zum besseren Verständnis der Streuung des Zugtragverhaltens von stahlfaserbewehrtem Normalbeton und Ultra-Hochleistungsbeton
Hadžimuratović, Semir
Resilience analysis of the future Bosnia and Herzegovina transmission grid
Hadžić, Semin
Simulation und Validierung der lokalen Warmrissbildung beim Stahlguss
Hafellner, Johann
Instationäres, hygrothermisches Verhalten von erdnahen Bauteilanschlüssen insbesondere mit Innendämmung
Hafner, Petra
Development of a positioning filter for the smartphone-based navigation of visually impaired people
Hafner, Thomas
Novel siloxane compounds through ring opening reactions of cyclic siloxanes
Haidinger, Thomas
Modellierung und Regelung eines elektrischen Rotationsaktuators
Hajnal, Ivan
Characterisation, identification of novel functions and engineering of substrate specificity of cupin superfamily enzymes
Hajnsek, Martin Anton
Sensor for monitoring glucose in interstitial fluid
Halb, Wolfgang
Creating, interrelating and consuming linked data on the web
Halbedl, Thomas
Low frequency neutral point currents on transformer in the Austrian power transmission network
Halici, Dilek
Damage analysis in a gamma TiAl alloy during hot working
Haller, Michel Y.
Combined solar and pellet heating systems
Halwachs, Bettina
Novel strategies for the in-depth analysis of complex microbial communities
Hamdhan, Indra Noer
A contribution to slope stability analysis with the finite element method
Hammer, Markus
A time-based and analytics-supported management approach for resource-productive operations
Hammer, Michael E.
Frictional mortar contact for finite deformation problems with synthetic contact kinematics
Hammernik, Kerstin
Variational networks for medical image reconstruction
Handel, Patricia Monika
Investigations of next generation cathodes and thermal aging effects of electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries
Handgruber, Paul
Advanced eddy current and hysteresis loss models for steel laminations of rotating electrical machines
Hanghofer, Isabel
Lithium-ion dynamics in highly conductive solid electrolytes
Hannl, David
Absorptions/Kompressions-Wärmepumpe für Hochtemperaturanwendung mit dem Arbeitsstoffgemisch Ammoniak/Lithiumnitrat
Hanser, Christian
Signatures on equivalence classes: a new tool for privacy-enhancing cryptography
Hansmann, Fabian
Innovative Messdatenanalyse
Harb, Gabriele
Numerical modeling of sediment transport processes in alpine reservoirs
Harivyasi, Shashank Shekhar
Employing ab-initio methods to study distinct scenarios of adsorption of organic molecules on inorganic surfaces
Harrer, Edwin
Kooperative Projektentwicklung und deren Auswirkung auf den Wert von Immobilien
Harrich, Alexander
CAD-basierte Methoden zur Unterstützung der Karosseriekonstruktion in der Konzeptphase
Hartl, Andreas Daniel
Mobile interactive document verification
Harzl, Annemarie
On the combination of FOSS and Kanban - insights gained from a hybrid student Free & Open Source Software project
Hasani-Mavriqi, Ilire
Consensus dynamics in online collaboration networks
Hasken, Bernd
Darstellung funktionalisierter cyclischer und bicyclischer Silane und dessen Eigenschaften bei elektronischer Anregung
Haslacher, Rainer
Entwicklung optischer Messverfahren zur Analyse von Brennverfahren für PKW-Gasmotoren
Hasmann, Andrea
Diagnostic system for detection of wound infection based on novel enzyme substrates
Haub, Wilhelm Christian
Wohnmodelle einer neuen Gesellschaft
Hausberger, Stefan
Simulation of real world vehicle exhaust emissions
Hausegger, Stefan
Deformation mechanisms and fluid-rock interactions in carbonate fault rocks
Hausenblas, Michael
Building scalable and smart multimedia applications on the semantic web
Hauser, Helmut
New biologically inspired control paradigms for robots: kinematic synergies and morphological computation
Hauser, Lucas
New photoreactive materials for structural surface modification
Hauswiesner, Stefan
Efficient image-based augmentations
Hauth, Martin
Detection of biomass tar using an SOFC
Heber, Markus
Tracking and visual quality inspection in harsh environments
Heckenbichler, Kathrin
Reductive C-C bond formations using engineered ene-reductases
Heftberger, Peter
Structure and elasticity of fluid membrane domains
Hehn, Iris
Influence of embedded dipolar groups on the electronic and structural properties of self-assembled monolayers
Heil, Christoph
Electronic properties and susceptibilities of iron-based superconductors
Heimel, Martin
Simulation and experimental validation of adiabatic and non-adiabatic capillary tubes
Hein, Daniel
Threat modeling and securing a mobile agent system for disaster response
Hein, Karima B.
Assessing event detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks
Heindl, René
Auslegung und Untersuchung des Gemischbildungssystems für ein motorisches H2-DI [H tief 2] Diffusionsbrennverfahren
Heinrich, Peter Joachim
Effiziente Erfassung viskoelastischer Eigenschaften bei der Spannungsermittlung von gezwängten Betonbauteilen
Heinrici, Markus
Printed copper as wafer metalization: material characterization - process development - technology integration
Heldmann, Stefan
Big data analytics for the volatile world
Helmetsberger, Peter
Experimentelle Gemischbildungsuntersuchungen an einem Ottomotor mit vollvariablem Ventiltrieb, Direkteinspritzung und Aufladung
Henn, Mathias
Emissionsfaktoren für Straßentunnel – Ermittlung und Validierung
Henzinger, Michael Rudolf
Bedding of segmental linings at hard rock TBM tunnels
Hepp, Christof
Potentiale von konventionellen und alternativen selbstgezündeten Brennverfahren zur Verringerung der Schadstoffemissionen
Hernández Rizzardini, Rocael
Flexible educational environments: orchestration of learning activities through semantic interoperability
Heschl, Christian
Ein Beitrag zur numerischen Berechnung turbulenter Raumluftströmungen
Hettegger, Martin
Cooling of the end-windings in electrical traction machines
Hetzel, Reinhold
Experimental studies on electroluminescence and its driving parameters of GaN-based and AlGaInP-based light emitting diodes
Hiebl, Caroline
Ion dynamics in the li-bearing thiophosphate Li6PS5l and the phyllosilicate Li0.5[Mg2.5Li0.5]Si4O10F2
Hiebler, Katharina
Heterogeneous palladium catalysis for the multistep synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients in continuous flow
Hiesmayr, Johannes
Experimental investigation and simulation of gaseous emissions and fuel consumption in real world driving scenarios for two-wheeler-applications
Hinterbichler, Hannes
Self-similar spray flow
Hinterhofer, Marlene
Anteil der verkehrsbedingten PM10 [PM tief 10] und PM2,5 [PM tief 2,5] Emissionen aus Abrieb und Wiederaufwirbelung an der Feinstaubbelastung in Österreich
Hirschl, Gernot
Potential der Simulation zur Optimierung von Verbrennung und Schadstoffbildung bei mittelschnelllaufenden Großdieselmotoren
Hirz, Melanie
Tuning of Pichia pastoris for the expression of membrane proteins and small peptides
Hirzer, Martin
Combining descriptive and discriminative information for person re-identification
Hlawka, Gerd Alexander
Öffentliche Grazer Grünflächen
Hlina, Johann
Synthese von Organosilagermanen und Organosilagermylenen
Hoang, Minh Hao
Fluorescence quenching mechanism in inter- and intramolecular photoinduced electron transfer reactions studied by time-resolved magnetic field effects on exciplexes
Hobisch, Markus
Medium and reaction engineering of light-driven biotransformations
Hofbauer, Christian
Public- Private Partnership in der Stadtentwicklung
Hofbauer, Konrad
Speech watermarking and air traffic control
Hofer, Birgit
From fault localization of programs written in 3rd level languages to spreadsheets
Hofer, Edith
Development and application of a database for research on genes involved in senescence, apoptosis and oxidative stress
Hofer, Karin
Serial sectioning of fluorescent coating layers as a tool to analyze binder penetration
Hofer, Manuel
Building with lines
Hofer, Markus
Monte Carlo Methoden in der Finanzmathematik
Hofer, Sebastian
Combining grazing incidence X-ray diffraction with computational methods for organic semiconductor structural analysis
Hofferek, Georg
Controller synthesis with uninterpreted functions
Hoffmann, Markus
Instandsetzung von Straßen
Hofmann, Oliver T.
Structure-to-property relationships in metal-organic interfaces
Hohl, Alexander
Fuzzy logic scoring system for the assessment of cardiovascular health status based on arterial stiffness
Hohl, Roland
Process analytical technology for monitoring of pharmaceutical processes
Hojnik, Cornelia
Exploration of the amadori rearrangement for bioconjugation of carbohydrates
Hollauf, Manuel
Dye-functionalized polymers via ring opening metathesis polymerization for photophysical applications
Hollerer, Stefan
Buckling analysis of carbon nanotubes
Holzer, Ivan
Modelling and simulation of strengthening in complex martensitic 9-12% Cr Steel and a binary Fe-Cu alloy
Holzer, Peter
Multibody structure and motion from structure and motion in conjunction with space time appearance analysis
Holzer, Thomas
Design of electrically excited salient-pole synchronous motor-generators for full-size converter operation of large pumped storage power plants
Holzmann, Markus
Spectral analysis of transmission and boundary value problems for Dirac operators
Holzmann, Thomas
Image-based urban 3D reconstruction
Hopfer, Helene
Identification of odour-active compounds in polyolefins
Hopfgartner, Johann Wilfried
Untersuchung von Verbesserungspotentialen hermetischer Kolbenkompressoren mit Hilfe numerischer Methoden
Hoppe, Christof
Interactive structure-from-motion
Horki, Petar
Brain-computer interfaces based on induced and evoked changes in EEG
Horvath, Susanne E .
Characterization of phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 from the yeast
Huang, Weinan
Hubana, Tarik
Artificial neural networks application for station protection
Huber, Christoph
Zukünftige Rahmenbedingungen der europäischen Wasserkraftwirtschaft
Huber, Katrin
Precise Point Positioning with ambiguity resolution for real-time applications
Huber, Niko Benjamin
Design and implementation of a rock slope monitoring system based on “Image Assisted Total Stations“
Huber, Thomas
Multi-decade GaN power amplifiers in common-source and Cascode topology
Hubinka, Josef
Konstruktion, Aufbau und Betriebsführung eines zweiwelligen Turbinenprüfstandes
Hufnagl, Elisabeth
Choice of system neutral treatment and earth fault protection in aged medium voltage cable networks
Husmann, Sven Moritz
Investigation of in-situ desulfurization as process step for sulfur removal from synthesis gas derived from thermal gasification of biomass
Huss, Wilfried
Internal aggregation models
Hussain, Zahid
Empirical analysis of agile user-centered design
Hutter, Michael
Secure and efficient implementation of RFID tags supporting cryptography
Huynh, Thang Viet
Efficient floating-point implementation of signal processing algorithms on reconfigurable hardware
Hà Thị Hai, Yen
Electrochemical investigations of the diffusion coefficients and the heterogeneous electron transfer rates of organic redox couples measured in ionic liquids
Häusler, Stefan
Information processing properties of neocortical microcircuits
Höhenberger, Andreas
Beitrag zur Ermittlung der Restlebensdauer von Kanälen auf Basis des Ist-Zustandes
Höll, Thomas
Cultural heritage acquisition
Höllen, Daniel
Formation and use of amorphous silica
Höller, Brigitte Mathilde
New oxidoreductases for biocatalysis
Höller, Christian
Approaches and concepts to increase the economic efficiency of selective laser melting
Hölzl, Johannes Sebastian
Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens von gekoppelten elastischen Strukturen mit ausgedehnten rauen Fügestellen
Hörmaier, Klaus
Excessive electromagnetic interferences as fault -
Hörmann, Leander Bernd
Hardware-software interactions in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
Hörmann, Theresa Ruth
Development of a continuous manufacturing line for the tableting of hot-melt extruded pellets
Hörzer, Gregor Michael
Analysis of neural data and models of neural networks related to working memory
Hösch, Heinz
Gestaltung von methodenunterstützten Prozessphasen einer TRIZ-orientierten Technologieentwicklung für ein Industrieunternehmen
Hösch, Sabine
Modeling individual usage behavior for business information system & information technology
Hübner, Ulrich
Mechanische Kenngrößen von Buchen-, Eschen- und Robinienholz für lastabtragende Bauteile
Hüning, Svenja
Geometric and algebraic analysis of subdivision processes
Hüpf, Thomas
Density determination of liquid metals
Hütter, Daniel
Kapazitätsmärkte unter den Aspekten der Versorgungssicherheit und der Entwicklung der Erzeugungskosten
Hütter, Philipp
Printed organic electrochemical transistors
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