TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Gabardi, Erwin
Die Aufbauorganisation in prozessorientierten Strukturen
Gadermaier, Bernhard
Li+ ion dynamics in glassy, crystalline, and amorphous biotemplated solids for energy storage systems
Gallas, Katharina
Functional macromolecules for optical sensing and organic radical batteries
Galler, Matthew
Investigation of electrical contact condition during resistance spot welding of automobile sheet steel
Galler, Stefan J.
Automatic object type test input data generation for Java programs based on design by contract specification
Gallien, Thomas
Condition monitoring of lithium iron phosphate batteries by a probabilistic and a sensor-based approach
Galoie, Majid
Rainfall-runoff modeling in a small catchment in Austria
Gamerith, Valentin
High resolution online data in sewer water quality modelling
Gamillscheg, Ralf
Occupation number space partitioning by basis reordering and multiscale approaches for strongly-correlated material Hamiltonians
Gamper, Bettina
Hyperfine structure analysis of Praseodymium and Lanthanum
Ganahl, Martin Jakob
Dynamics of strongly correlated one-dimensional quantum systems using matrix product states
Ganner, Thomas
Enzymatic cellulose degradation visualized by atomic force microscopy
Gasser, Christian
Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Anwendungsgebiete des Freibiegens am Beispiel der Substitution von funktionellen Schalenbauteilen
Gasser, Ilona Bernadette
Biopolymer producing bacteria and analysis of ecosystem function
Gaun, Alexander
Probability transmission system redundancy optimization
Gehmayr, Verena
Multifunctional alkaline pulping with enzyme treatments: how to convert paper-grade pulps into high-quality dissolving pulps
Geier, Martina
Redesign of oxygenases for biocatalysis
Geier, Roman
Oxygen effects on the photo-induced radical polymerization
Geiger, Bernhard C.
Information loss in deterministic systems
Geigl, Florian
Random surfers as models of human navigation on the web
Geith, Markus
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Gelbke, Uta
Urban zero points
Geles, Faruk
Non-local correlations in the Hubbard model and real material calculations
Genser, Andreas
Estimation-based power management
Genser, Simon
Model-based pre-step stabilization method for non-iterative co-simulation
Geymayer, Thomas
Exploring the information worker’s space
Gfrerer, Michael Helmut
Vibro-acoustic simulation of poroelastic shell structures
Giannakopoulou, Kanellina
Development of a low pressure, catalytic process for the production of biofuels
Gigl, Thomas
Low-complexity localization using standard-compliant UWB signals
Gilli, Eduard
Development of analysis methods for fiber bonds in paper
Giner Tovar, Rafael
Fractionated refining and sulphonation as a tool to reduce the energy consumption during refining
Girstmair, Josef
Simulation und Verifikation des vibro-akustischen Verhaltens von PKW-Antriebssystemen mit Echtzeit und Offline Modellen
Gjinolli, Ilir
Public space in Kosovo - transformations through history
Glatz, Philipp Maria
Efficient network coding middleware for energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
God, Colin
Far beyond anodic stabilities of organic electrolytes – the 5V cathode LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 [LiNi tief 0.5 Mn tief 1.5 O tief 4]
Godec, Martin
Tracking-by-detection using randomized online ensemble methods
Goetsch, Thomas
Model development for isomer separation processes
Goldgruber, Markus
Nonlinear seismic modelling of concrete dams
Golkani, Mohammad Ali
Higher-order sliding mode control approaches for systems with saturating actuators
Goller, Michael
Probabilistic modeling in RFID systems
Golubkov, Andrey
Safety of li-ion batteries for electric vehicles
Gombotz, Maria
Ion dynamics and electrochemical properties of energy materials
Gossar, Martin
System evaluation and development of an evaluation reader for 13.56 mhz RFID systems providing very high data rates up to 13.56 mbit-s
Gossner, Antonio
Beeinflussung des Strömungswiderstands der Atemwege durch CO2-Inhalation
Gourinchas, Geoffrey
Functional cross-talk of sensor and effector modules in phytochrome activated diguanylyl cyclases
Grabner, Alexander
Single image 3D vision for objects in the wild
Grabner, Bianca
Novel concepts of heterogeneous (bio-)catalysis for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Grabuschnig, Stefan
Discovery of disease related patterns in cell-free DNA
Grafschafter, Annika
Simple and effective: the Taylor-Couette disc contactor for liquid-liquid extraction (design and performance)
Grandits, Thomas
Optimization and machine learning for inverse problems in cardiac electrophysiology
Grassi, Lorenzo
Cryptanalysis of AES-like ciphers and reviving old design ideas for new constructions
Gratzl-Michlmair, Markus
Entwicklung und Adaption von Algorithmen zur Bewertung des Energiebedarfs von Lüftungsanlagen im Kontext des Energieausweises
Grebien, Stefan
Position-related parameter estimation in dense multipath environments
Grebovic, Selma
Energy stresses of transmission line surge arresters due to lightning discharges
Greiffenhagen, Felix
Bildgebende heterodyne Interferometrie zur quantitativen Untersuchung von Verbrennungsinstabilitäten
Greimel, Karin
Linear temporal logic - in theory and industry
Greinecker, Florian
Combinatorial and number theoretic properties of certain automatic sequences
Greiner, Philipp
Highly stable all CMOS frequency reference for SoC wireless Sub-GHz applications
Grengg, Cyrill
Microbial induced acid corrosion in sewer environments
Gressl, Lukas Alexander
Towards security-aware design space exploration for embedded systems
Griendl, Lorenz
Auslegung, experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Simulation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Strahlungsmodellierung eines 2,5 MWth [MW tief th] Oxyfuel-Kohlenstaubbrenners
Griesser, Markus
Mechanistic investigations of novel photoinitiators for radical polymerization
Grießnig, Gerhard
Grillitsch, Karlheinz
Lipid storage and mobilization in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Grimmer, Christoph
Energy and hydrogen storage in borohydride based ionic liquids
Grimus, Margarete
Enhancing mobile learning in a developing country (Sub-Saharan Africa)
Grinschgl, Johannes
Acceleration of system-on-chip fault attack emulation
Groß, Hannes
Domain-Oriented Masking
Groß, Uwe Walter
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Cyclohexasilan-basierenden Push-Pull-Systemen
Großwindhager, Bernhard
Robust, efficient, and scalable UWB-based positioning using multipath and quasi-simultaneous transmissions
Gruber, Gernot
Performance and reliability limiting point defects in SiC power devices
Gruber, Katharina
Investigation of the electrochemical behaviour of macroporous carbon/sulfur electrodes and lithium metal electrodes in lithium-sulfur batteries
Gruber, Lukas
Photometric registration for augmented reality in dynamic environments
Gruber, Manfred
Simulation of the charge carrier transport in organic semiconductor devices
Gruber, Matthias Peter Maria
Entanglement spreading in integrable spin chains with inhomogeneities
Gruber, Michael C.
Hydrodynamics, mass transfer and chemical reactions in bubble columns
Gruber, Stefan
Fully integrated low power and low drop DC/DC converters
Gruber, Steffen
The cell factory Ralstonia eutropha: development of plasmid-based expression systems and analysis of the regulation of carbon dioxide fixation
Gruber, Thomas
CFD-based modeling approaches for high-temperature corrosion in biomass fired boilers
Grubert, Jens
Mobile augmented reality for information surfaces
Grubmüller, Michael
Voltage probe circuit technology for measurements in power electronics
Gruss, Daniel
Software-based microarchitectural attacks
Grübler, Hannes
System design of fractional horsepower electric drives
Grüneberger, Patrick
Analysis methods for irregular combustion events in SI engines
Gsell, Martina
Phosphatidylethanolamine, a key lipid in mitochondria
Gsell, Matthias August Franz
Mortar domain decomposition methods for quasilinear problems and applications
Gspan, Christian
Untersuchung der Überstruktur und der Domänen am Perowskit La0,4Sr0,6CoO2,71 La [tief] 0,4 Sr [tief] 0,6 CoO [tief]2,71 mit einem Transmissionselektronenmikroskop
Gstrein, Gregor
Potentialanalyse früh ausgelöster Rückhaltesysteme
Gudipati, Venugopal
The Yeast quinone reductase Lot6p and its cellular functions
Gufler, Martin
Entwicklung und messtechnische Verifikation von Phänomenologischen Modellen zur Rußemissionsberechnung
Guggenberger, Mark
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Strömungsmuster eines Francis-Pumpturbinenmodells im Teillastbetrieb des Pumpenquadranten
Guggenberger, Thomas
Multiple Ressourcennutzung in kommunizierenden Raumstrukturen - Fokus Energie
Gurker, Thomas
Experimentelle Charakterisierung einer gerührten Extraktionskolonne und Vergleich mittels Computational Fluid Dynamics
Gursch, Johannes Siegfried
Development and implementation of a controlled continuous manufacturing process
Gutierrez Sanchez, Abraham
Probabilistic aspects in automata and digraphs
Gutmann, Alexander
From mechanistic insight into flavonoid O- and C-glycosyltransferases to their synthetic application
Gutsche, Andreas Johann
Robust whiplash protection
Guttenberger, Nikolaus
Development of inhibitors of PhzE-
Gächter, Jens
Evaluation of rotor position sensor characteristics and impact on control quality of permanent magnet synchronous machines
Görtschacher, Lukas Johann
Novel UHF RFID tracking and sensing systems
Gösweiner, Christian
The role of nuclear quadrupole spin resonance in the design of a new class of MRI-contrast agents
Götschl, Katja Elisabeth
Magnesium incorporation dynamics in amorphous and crystalline calcium carbonate affected by sulfate
Gößler, Markus
In situ magnetometry of nanoporous metals during dealloying and charging
Gübitz, Brigitte
Risikomanagement im Quality by Design
Gültekin, Osman
Computational inelasticity of fibrous biological tissues with a focus on viscoelasticity, damage and rupture
Gündogan, Fatih
Simplified traffic responsive signal control method for developing large cities
Gürsoy, Doğa
Modeling, system optimization and artifact reduction in magnetic induction tomography for medical applications
Gütsch, Jenny Sabrina
Strategies for the removal of lignin derived impurities from Eucalyptus globulus wood prehydrolyzates
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