TUGraz DIGITAL Library
Saad, Kmeid
Automotive camera modeling and integration with standardized interfaces
Saberi, Omid
Embankment dam failure outflow hydrograph development
Sabol, Vedran
Visual analysis of relatedness and dynamics in complex, enterprise-scale repositories
Sadovic, Tarik
Real-time remote monitoring of high voltage surge arresters
Saffari, Amir
Multi-class semi-supervised and online boosting
Safran, Christian
Social media in education
Sahito, Farhan Hyder
Advancing forensic interrogation techniques to combat terrorism and enhance state security
Saier, Martin Christopher
Neuausrichtung von Lean Project Management am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie
Salaj, Darjan
Brain-inspired methods for boosting temporal computing and learning capabilities of spiking neural networks
Salbrechter, Sebastian
Parameterbasiertes Modell zur Vorausberechnung von Wärmeeintrag und Kraftstoffverbrauch im Motorwarmlauf
Saleem Awan, Muhammad
Statistical-dynamical channel modeling of outdoor optical wireless links
Saleem, Shahzad
Adaptive calibration of frequency response mismatches in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters
Salehi, Mohammad-Sadegh
Numerical study of reactive two-phase flows
Salhofer, Peter
ODEG – Ontology Driven E-Government
Samer, Ralph Gerhard
Intelligent recommendation techniques for requirements engineering
Sander, David Emanuel
A validated elasto-hydrodynamic simulation for journal bearings operating under severe conditions
Sandholzer, Daniel
Ecological evaluation of processes from renewable resources
Sandor, Nora Katalin
Generating regional energy technology systems
Santner, Cornelia
Experimental investigation of turning mid turbine frame designs
Santner, Gerhard
Fügetechnik im UHPC-Schalenbau
Santner, Jakob
Interactive multi-label segmentation
Santner, Katrin Sarah
Simultaneous localization and mapping in dynamic environments
Sareika, Markus
Urban sketcher: mixing urban realities using mixed reality technology
Sartori, Barbara
In situ SAXS study of the gas phase evaporation induced self-assembly of mesoporous material
Sava, Ecaterina
Lamplighter random walks and entropy-sensitivity of languages
Schabus, Dietmar
Audiovisual speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models
Schabus, Stefan
Indoor geography in the production environment
Schacht, Hans-Jürgen
Entwurf & Untersuchung eines neuartigen elektrischen Antriebs mit VKM-Unterstützung für ein Zweirad-Stadtfahrzeug
Schaffenberger, Martina Simone
Green biorefinery
Schaffer, Klaus Maria
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Arbeitsprozesses und des Reibungsverhaltens von Pkw Dieselmotoren
Schafzahl, Bettina
The aprotic Li-O2 battery fighting the detrimental impacts of oxygen
Schafzahl, Lukas
Parasitic and interphase chemistries in Li-ion batteries and beyond
Schall, Gerhard
Mobile augmented reality for human scale interaction with geospatial models
Schaller, Roland
New methods for glucose monitoring in humans
Schalli, Michael
Carbasugars for β-Galactosidase related lysosomal diseases and for investigation of GM1-Ganglioside metabolism
Scharfegger, Michaela
Highly structured silicon-graphite composite materials for lithium-ion batteries
Scharrer, Matthias Karl
Statistical modeling and optimization of automotive lithium-Ion cells
Schaumberger, Andreas
Räumliche Modelle zur Vegetations- und Ertragsdynamik im Wirtschaftsgrünland
Scheerer, Adrian-Maria
Dynamical systems and normal numbers
Scheibelhofer, Otto
Spectroscopic methods for pharmaceutical process and product quality monitoring
Scheibelhofer, Peter
Robust multivariate process control of multi-way data with applications in semiconductor manufacturing
Scheiber, Christian
Eigenvalue problems in the numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields
Scheinecker, Christian
Flexibilisierung eines Industriekraftwerksblocks unter Anwendung stationärer Prozesssimulation auf Jahreslastgangsbasis
Schenk, Alexander
The oxygen reduction reaction in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Schenk, Fabian
Edge-based simultaneous localization and mapping
Schenk, Mario
AnSim: an analytic simulator for electronic circuits
Schenk, Verena
Vernetzte Poly(2-oxazolin)e
Scherwitzl, Boris R.
Studies on the deposition, adsorption, film growth and desorption behavior of large organic molecules on SiO₂
Scherübel, Peter
Mysterium Methanol
Schiffer, Jürgen
Untersuchung von Einspritzpumpenkonzepten für Ottomotoren mit Niederdruck-Direkteinspritzung
Schiffmann, Alexander
Creation and characterization of tailored plasmonic nanoparticles
Schinagl, Gerhild
Innermotorische Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Formaldehydemissionen von Großgasmotoren
Schindler, Christian
Review of agile software development methods in practice
Schinko, Christoph
Shape processing for content generation
Schittelkopf, Kathrin
Silyl-terminated polyurethanes - adhesion and surface phenomena
Schitter, Georg
Pharmaceutical chaperones for GM1-gangliosidosis and morbus morquio B: synthesis of lipophilic and fluorophilic 1-deoxy-D-galactonojirimycin derivatives
Schlacher, Christian
Untersuchung des Kriech- und Schädigungsverhaltens von Schweißverbindungen eines martensitischen borlegierten 9 % Cr-Stahls
Schlagbauer, Dieter
Entscheidungsgrundlagen für die Arbeitszeitgestaltung
Schlager, Christoph
Generation of high-resolution wind fields from WegenerNet data and a spatial evaluation of regional climate models
Schlatte, Rudolf
Passive conformance testing with concurrent object-oriented software models
Schlegl, Bernd
Untersuchung von Wickelkopfschwingungen in Großgeneratoren
Schlegl, Thomas
Open environment capacitive sensing for safety applications
Schlick, Harald
Charakterisierung der Verbrennung und des Klopfens in direktgezündeten Großmotoren im Sondergasbetrieb
Schlicke, Dirk
Mindestbewehrung zwangbeanspruchter Betonbauteile unter Berücksichtigung der erhärtungsbedingten Spannungsgeschichte und der Bauteilgeometrie
Schlickenrieder, Magdalena
Modell für die Rahmenbedingungen eines differenzierten Risikomanagementansatzes für Eisenbahninfrastrukturprojekte mit Fokus auf die Planungsphasen bis zur Vergabe
Schloffer, Daniel
Elektrochemische Abscheidung und Auflösung von Magnesium für wiederaufladbare Magnesiumionenbatterien
Schluckner, Christoph
Carbon formation and effective removal strategies in high temperature solid oxide fuel cell anodes fueled with diesel reformates
Schluder, Harald
Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die numerische Entwicklung am Beispiel des Fußgängerschutzes
Schläffer, Martin
Cryptanalysis of AES-based hash functions
Schlögl, Matthias
Spatio-temporal image reconstruction for accelerating dynamic MRI applications using variational priors
Schmallegger, Max
Radicals in photochemical transformations: models for biological pathways and intermediates in chemical synthesis
Schmid, Florian
Microorganisms associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): antagonistic traits and influence of farming practices
Schmid, Johannes
Digitalization in the field of machine tools and tool management
Schmidt, Claudia
Triacylglycerol lipases of the yeast
Schmidt, Walter
Zur Li-Ionendynamik in batterierelevanten Festkörpern
Schmied, Roland
Focused ion beam structuring of low melting polymeric materials
Schmoltner, Kerstin
Environmentally stable organic field-effect transistor based sensor devices
Schmon, Alexander
Density determination of liquid metals by means of containerless techniques
Schmut, Katharina
Elektrochemische Beschichtung von Ti-6Al-4V aus wässrigen Elektrolyten und ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Schmölzer, Gregor
Tunnellüftungsanlagen und deren Regelung
Schmölzer, Katharina
Mechanistic study of pro- and eukaryotic sialyltransferases
Schnedlitz, Martin
To be or not to be alloyed: alloying and structural rearrangements in core-shell nanoparticles
Schneeberger, Michael
Energetische Trocknungsoptimierung bei Papiermaschinen mittels Simulation der Stoff- und Wärmeübertragung unter Berücksichtigung der trocknungsrelevanten Eigenschaften der Faserstoffe
Schneider, Konstantin Philipp
Bioresponsive polymer systems for medical and technical applications
Schnellbach, Adam
Fail-operational automotive systems
Schnöll, Hans Peter
Integrierte Produktentstehung
Scholz, Johannes
Real-time spatial optimization
Schopper, Edwin
Grundsätzliche Untersuchungen des Teilentladungs-Verhaltens an Gleitanordnungen unter Öl bei Wechsel- und Schaltspannungsbeanspruchung
Schreiber, Hannah
Algorithmic aspects in standard and non-standard persistent homology
Schreiner, Martin
Stochastische Modellierung des Gewährleistungsrisikos in der Automobilzulieferindustrie
Schretter, Nikolai
Entwicklung einer aktiven Sicherheitsumgebung
Schriefl, Andreas Jörg
Quantification of collagen fiber morphologies in human arterial walls: novel experimental methodologies with 2D and 3D structural data
Schrittwieser, Maximilian
Heat transfer in the stator of electrical machines
Schrode, Benedikt
Mapping large reciprocal-space volumes by rotating grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
Schrunner, Stefan
Pattern recognition in analog wafer test data
Schröder, Hilmar
Combined biocatalytic and transition metal-catalyzed approaches for the synthesis of biologically active peptides and proteins
Schröttner, Thales
Design, characterization and optimization of various β γ measurement systems
Schubert, Monika
Consistency management in constraint-based systems
Schuch, Klaus
Data analysis, software- and hardware-modeling of computation in cortical networks of neurons
Schuler, Monika
Simulation der Mikrostrukturentwicklung von Verbindungsschweißungen warmfester 9% Cr Stähle zur Abschätzung der mechanischen Eigenschaften am Beispiel CB2
Schulter, Danilo
Nachhaltige Gebäudesanierung durch lebenszyklusorientierte Bauproduktauswahl
Schulter, Samuel
Loss minimization for random forests in computer vision
Schulz, Birgit
Wirkung chromatischer Lichträume im Kontext der Architektur
Schumi, Richard
Predicting and testing system response-times with statistical model checking and property-based testing
Schurig, Matthias
Methodology to evaluate the agility of a production network using a stress test approach
Schutting, Susanne
Optical CO₂ sensors for the investigation of the global carbon dioxide cycle
Schuß, Christian
Improvement of the operating range of electric and hybrid electric vehicles
Schwaiger, Nikolaus
Liquid phase pyrolysis
Schwaiger, Nikolaus
Reaktionstechnische Analyse für die Optimierung der Flüssigphasenpyrolyse
Schwalt, Lukas
Lightning phenomena in the alpine region of Austria
Schwarz, Andreas
Decoding hand movements from human EEG
Schwarz, Elisabeth
Design and synthesis of phosphorus stabilised low valent group 14 elements
Schwarz, Michael
Software-based side-channel attacks and defenses in restricted environments
Schwarzl, Christian
Symbolic model-based test case generation for distributed systems
Schweiger, Anna Katharina
Decarboxylation as driving-force
Schweiger, Wolfgang
Ein Multi-Domain-Modellierungsansatz zur Auslegung und Berechnung von Zahnringpumpen am Beispiel von Niederdruckanwendungen in der Automobiltechnik
Schädlich, Bert
A multilaminate constitutive model for stiff soils
Schäffner, Harald
Entwicklung eines fluoreszenzoptischen Verfahrens zur Ermittlung von Materialstrukturen auf Basis eines automatisierten Mikrotomiekonzeptes
Schätzer, Markus
Propagation of loaded cracks in two and three dimensions with XFEM
Schöllhammer, Daniel
Unified modelling and higher-order accurate analysis of curved shells and membranes
Schönauer, Robert
A microscopic traffic flow model for shared space
Schönleitner, Florian
Schwingungsanregung verschiedener Turbinenaustrittsgehäuse zukünftiger Flugtriebwerkskonzepte
Schörghofer-Queiroz, Andreas
Fatigue behaviour of steel and composite bridges in high-speed railway lines
Schörghuber, Christoph
Modellbasierte Regelung von Biomasse-Feuerungsanlagen
Schüppel, Andreas
Wertigkeit von Windkraft, Photovoltaik und Spitzenlastkraftwerken als Teil des gesamten Elektrizitätssystems
Schütz, Denis
The development of high strain actuator materials
Sedighi, Pouya
Application of advanced constitutive model for ground improvement
Seebacher, David
Switched mode transmitter architectures for efficient wireless communication systems
Seeber, Martin
The electroencephalographic sources of repetitive movements
Seeber, Richard
Strukturelle und quantitative Beurteilung der perspektivischen Beobachtbarkeit linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme
Seifert, Christin
Visually supported supervised machine learning
Seifert, Torben
Investigations on a multi-component heating element based on (Ba,Ca)TiO3 barium titanate ceramics
Selic, Thorsten
Experimental investigation of the aerodynamics and acoustics of exit guide vanes for future aircraft engines
Senn, Florian
Untersuchung elektrisch halbleitender Materialien für den Einsatz in Glimmschutzsystemen rotierender Hochspannungsmaschinen
Settgast, Volker
Processing semantically enriched content for interactive 3D visualizations
Shahriari, Shervin
Numerical modelling of the approach flow of run-of-river plants
Shahzad, Khurram
Comparative normative analysis of sustainability measurement methods
Shahzad, Sara
Analyzing the extreme programming practices and knowledge management in software engineering education
Shahzad, Syed Khuram
Ontology driven graphical user interface development
Shamim Khan
Investigation of the hyperfine structure of Praseodymium-transitions using laser spectroscopy
Shao, Liang
Tire-road friction estimation based on vehicle lateral dynamics
Shao, Lin
Interactive visual analysis and guidance methods for discovering patterns in high-dimensional data
Sharif, Nauman
Knowledge discovery in e-learning with social media
Sherifova, Selda Mitatova
Mechanical testing and modeling of human thoracic aortic tissues in health and disease
Shiehnejadhesar, Ali
Improved gas phase CFD simulation of biomass packed bed combustion
Siddiqui, Imran Ahmad
Hyperfine structure studies of praseodymium atoms and ions
Siebenhofer, Stefan
Hausmühlen in Murau
Silvestru, Vlad Alexandru
Composite structural glazing systems
Simonassi, Loris
Influence of inflow distortions on the vibrations of a modern low pressure turbine
Sindelar, Christine
Design of a meandering ramp
Singer, Philipp
Modeling aspects of human trails on the web
Singh, Deepika
Machine learning based smart home system in ambient assisted living
Sinnhofer, Andreas Daniel
Advances of the pre-personalization process for secure embedded systems
Siraj, Muhammad Shafiq
Modeling and simulations of granular flows using Discrete Element Method (DEM)
Siraj, Noureen
Heterogeneous electron transfer rates of organic redox systems measured in ionic liquids
Skalla, Christian
Gemischbildung und Verbrennung von Wasserstoff-Methan-Gemischen in Pkw-Anwendungen
Sleik, Roland
System level reliability testing under application stress conditions
Smid, Andrej
The similarities of ex - Yugoslav cities
Smoliner, Martin
The integrated timetable in liberalised railway networks
Smolyanyuk, Andriy
Predicting novel phases of bismuthates and iridates
Softic, Selver
Knowledge discovery through mining and profiling from semi-structured sparse text artifacts using semantic technologies and linked data for education and research
Soliman, Mohamed
Intelligent pedagogical agents in immersive 3D virtual learning environments
Sollgruber, Eva
Die Idee der Großform
Solís Escalante, Teodoro
The asynchronous Graz brain switch
Sommer, Martin
Implementation of an electrochemical model for lithium-ion battery condition monitoring
Sommersacher, Peter
Innovative characterisation techniques for solid biomass fuels regarding their thermal utilisation in fixed-bed reactors
Sonnek, Rudolf Ingofried
Qualitätsmanagement für Sachverständige
Soomro, Muhammad Tahir
Dynamic electrochemistry of organic radicals in solution
Soos, Julia
Gründungsmotive und unternehmerische Kompetenzen von GründerInnen technologie-orientierter Unternehmen
Sorantin, Max E.
Developments and applications of the auxiliary master equation approach
Soudan, Michael
Low complexity correction structures for time-varying systems
Sousa Moura Rodrigues, Ana Isabel
Synthesis of novel silicon-phosphorus rings and cages
Spann, Stefan
Accelerated arterial spin labeling
Spataro, Rosario
Aerodynamic design and investigation of an embedded concept for turning mid turbine frames
Speiser-Reinfrank, Florian
Intelligent supporting technologies for the maintenance of product configuration systems
Spieler, Bernadette
Development and evaluation of concepts and tools to reinforce gender equality by engaging female teenagers in coding
Spies, Martina
Plätze und Identitäten
Sporer, Harald
Mechatronic system development
Spreitzer, Raphael
Enhancements for group signatures and side-channel attacks on mobile devices
Sprenger, Florian
Entwicklung eines Erdgas-Diesel Dual-Fuel-Brennverfahrens zur signifikanten CO2-Reduktion bei Pkw-Motoren
Spuller, Christian
Dieselbrennverfahren mit Wasserstoff für PKW-Anwendungen
Stadlhofer, Astrid
Development of Pt-free anode catalysts for alkaline direct ethanol fuel cells
Stahl, Johannes Karl-Wilhelm
Contributions to single-channel speech enhancement with a focus on the spectral phase
Stammeier, Jessica Alexandra
The Precambrian-Cambrian (r)evolution – insights from the Kazakh microcontinent
Stangl, Christoph
Non-destructive electrochemical investigations of lithium ion batteries
Stanje, Bernhard
Lithium diffusivity in restricted dimensions: diffusion along the inner surfaces and in disordered, nanostructured ionic conductors
Staněk, Rostislav
Problems on tours and trees in combinatorial optimization
Stark, Michael
Source-filter model based single channel speech separation
Staudinger, Christoph
Optical high performance sensor materials for oceanography
Stecher, Harald
Biocatalytic Friedel-Crafts alkylation
Steffan, Christoph
Monolithic ultra-low power solar harvester with high dynamic MPPT algorithm
Steffan, Matthias
Machine-tool for research in synchronous grinding
Steffelbauer, David Bernhard
Model-based leak localization in water distribution systems
Steger, Gerhard
Experimental and numerical investigations of unsaturated soils with application to tunnelling under compressed air
Steger, Marco
Secure and efficient wireless automotive software updates
Stein, Isa
Der Versuch einer authentischen Betrachtung des sozialen Wohnbaus an zwei Beispielen von Roland Rainer
Steinberger, Markus
Dynamic resource scheduling on graphics processors
Steinberger, Martin
Modellierung, Simulation und Regelung von Prozessen zur Herstellung dünner organischer Schichten
Steinbäck, Josef
An environmental perception platform enabling low-level sensor fusion
Steineder, Katharina
The influence of C and Mn and the heat treatment on the mechanical properties of Medium-Mn-steels
Steinegger, Andreas
New indicators for optical sensing by manipulating the intersystem crossing in luminescent dyes
Steiner, Alois
Untersuchung von Konzepten zur Innenraumkonditionierung von Fahrzeugen mit Elektroantrieben unter Berücksichtigung des Energieverbrauchs
Steiner, Michael
Einfluss der Zuströmung auf den Turbinenübergangskanal
Stella, Filippo
Synthesis, rearrangement and further reactions of organosilanes and organostannanes
Stelzmann, Ernst Stefan
Agile Systems Engineering
Stemmer, Ute
Toxicity, uptake and targeting of oxidized phospholipids in cultured macrophages
Sternig, Sabine
Scene specific object detection and tracking
Stettinger, Martin
Recommendation technologies for group decision making
Stettner, Johanna
Self assembled monolayer formation of alkanethiols on gold
Steurer, Michael Erwin
Exploiting location-based data sources for link prediction in an online social network
Steyrl, David
Improving the quality of the electroencephalogram simultaneously recorded with functional magnetic resonance imaging
Steyskal, Eva-Maria
Porous nanophase metals with electrochemically tunable properties studied by resistometry and dilatometry
Stocker, Armin
Die Dimension des Städtischen in der Literatur
Stoisser, Thomas
L-lactate oxidase
Stojčić, Bojana
Affinity tagging of (phospho)lipolytic enzymes in cultured cells
Stolz, Michael
Ein modularer modellbasierter Ansatz zur Mehrgrößenregelung des Luftpfades eines Dieselmotors
Storer, Markus
Shape and appearance based analysis of facial images for assessing ICAO compliance
Straka, Matthias
Human pose and shape estimation from multi-view images for virtual dressing rooms
Stranacher, Klaus
Interoperability of electronic documents
Strandback, Emilia Sofia
Biochemical and biophysical characterization of cancer-associated variants of human NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1
Stranzinger, Sandra
Optimization of an industrial scale low-dose dosator capsule filling process for inhalation products
Strasser, Andreas
Towards optimizing safety-critical automotive embedded systems on reliability for automated driving
Strasser, Johannes Konrad
Magnetic resonance elastography of the human brain
Strasser, Simone
Strauß, Clemens
Über das Finden kürzester Wege durch Raum und Zeit
Streit, Marc
Guided visual analysis of heterogeneous data
Strobl, Martin
Synthesis of NIR-emitting aza-BODIPY dyes for application in optical sensors
Strohmeier, Georg
Systemorientiertes Managementsystem-Modell für Industrieunternehmen und dessen beispielhafte Anwendung im Qualitätsmanagement
Sturm, Peter
Maßnahmenoptimierung im untergeordneten Straßennetz basierend auf automatisiert bewerteter Straßenbedeutungen
Sturmberger, Lukas
Enzyme discovery for biopolymer degradation and modification
Stöhr, Thomas
Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von Stückgutstetigförderern durch optimierte Antriebssystemauswahl
Stütz, Markus
On the welding behavior of molybdenum and its alloys
Subotić, Vanja
Detection of carbon depositions and development of novel regeneration approaches for solid oxide fuel cells
Subramoney, Anand
Biologically plausible learning and meta-learning in recurrent networks of spiking neurons
Suckart, Dominik Georg
Phenomenology and modelling of flame-wall-interactions in spark-ignition engines
Sudy, Beate
ESR-spectroscopic investigations on the dynamics and kinetics of organic radicals in ionic liquids
Suljanović, Amra
Design and synthesis of polysilazanes
Sun, Shiwen
Applications of integrated optical sensors for pH and oxygen monitoring in micro(bio)reactor
Sun, Yue
Biocatalysts improvements
Sungkorn, Radompon
Euler-Lagrange modeling of dispersed gas-liquid reactors
Supp, Gregor
Bearing capacity of slender, screwed threaded rods – experimental investigations and assessment for geotechnical applications
Swasti, Yuliana Reni
Furan derivatives
Syed, Tanweer Iqbal
Systematic studies of hyperfine structure of neutral praseodymium based on a fourier transform spectrum and laser induced fluorescence
Szlosarek, Robert
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur mechanischen Festigkeit von Fließformschraubverbindungen zwischen Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden und Aluminium
Söllradl, Martin
Quantitative gradient-echo imaging with macroscopic B0 field variations in the brain
Süßenbacher, Wilhelm
Marktgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten der Elektrizitätswirtschaft
Špaňová, Miroslava
Neutral lipid storage in yeast
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